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Many of our Washington Wilderness Camps offer Winter Wilderness Programs, Activities, Workshops & Classes starting in February, 2025.
Be sure to check the "Year-Round Programs and Other Camp Info" headings of each camp listing for specifics, or give any Wilderness Camp you're interested in a call to check on Winter dates, times and availability.
Many of our Wilderness Camps will be hosting Winter Reunions for their previous campers, and Winter Open Houses for interested new campers and families. Each camp is different, and some offer activities for the entire family.
Contact the camp(s) directly to see if there are any Camp Reunion or Open House Plans for February, 2025.
Looking for a Great Washington Wilderness Day Camp? Look at each camp's TYPE OF CAMP description. Many of our Best Washington Day Wilderness Camps also list their exact hours, and if they offer before and after camp activities.
Many of our Best Washington Summer Wilderness Camps also offer Year Round Wilderness Camp Programs, Classes, and Activities. You should contact the camps you are interested in to see if they offer Fall, Winter and/or Spring Wilderness Programs, too.
Searching for Washington Wilderness Camp Jobs? Many of our Best Wilderness Camps are now listing their 2025 Winter Camp Jobs, too. Look for the heading "Summer Camp Jobs" in each camp listing. You can also check any camp's website for their "Work at Camp" or "Winter Employment Opportunities" pages.
View ALL WA Camps with Winter Work & Leadership Training Opportunities.
Visit Our Wolf Camp & School of Natural Science Website
4460 East Lake Sammamish Pkwy SE
Issaquah, Washington 98029
1026 14th St SW, Puyallup WA 98371
Watch Our Wolf Camp & School of Natural Science Video
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp.
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Wolf Camp & School of Natural Science offers overnight camps at Lake Sammmish & Mt Rainier.
Wilderness/Nature, Adventure, Music/Band, Swimming, Science, and more.
CAMP LOCATION: Our day and overnight camps take place on the shores of Lake Sammamish and at the foot of Mount Rainier in beautiful Washington State.
▌Read More about Wolf Camp & School of Natural Science
CAMP FACILITIES: We are completely outdoors, training campers in skills of wilderness survival, wildlife tracking, wild edible foods foraging and herbal medicine making.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Wolf Camp ran its first nature and survival summer camps in 1997. We now offer a host of camps for kids, youth, adults and family. Directors Kim & Chris Chisholm are on site all week with professionally-trained staff instructors at our hallmark 6-1 average student-teacher ratio that’s so critical for safe, profound, and fun outdoor experiences.
We were voted BEST NATURE CAMP and BEST FAMILY CAMP by ParentMap, the northwest's premier family resource, in their most recent Golden Teddy award survey.
• Wilderness Survivors Side of the Mountain
• Animal Tracking of the Ancient Scout
• Wild Chefs & Herbal Medics
• Archers, Artists & Artisans
• Epic Fishing Camp
Kids Summer Day Camps in Issaquah & Puyallup include:
• Wildlife Search & Rescue
• Wilderness Survival Craft
• Wild Cooking & Herbology
• Advanced Themes for Returning Campers
YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Join us for in-depth workshops this with Wolf Camp directors Kim & Chris Chisholm. Workshops run 9:30-4:30 and cost $95 for the first family member, $90 per additional friend/family member, with scholarships available:
Sat, April 15, 2023: Wildlife Safety & Awareness, Bird Voices, Animal Tracks & Trails with a title that says it all. Join us for a day with Kim & Chris who specialize in birds and tracks of animals in the Pacific Northwest. Meet us at the edge of rural farmland and wilderness, along a stretch of wild river covered with bird life and animal tracks that lay bare all the action taking place when we’re not there.
Guardian of the Fire by Joanna Powell ColbertSat, April 29, 2023: Wilderness Survival & Traditional Fire Training including bow-drill fire-by-friction, survival shelters that work in real emergencies, and navigation training to prevent disorientating situations. It’s packed with knowledge and hands-on skills, focusing on what really works out there in real life.
Sat, May 13, 2023: Wild Foods Foraging & Herbal Medicine Making including hands-on harvesting and cooking of wild edible plants around Blue Skye Farm, plus making herbal salves and tinctures.
Check out Our Camp Website Link: for the most updated schedule.
July 2-8, 2023: Advanced Wilderness Scout Skills near Mt Rainier for ages 11-17 from Sunday 6pm – Saturday 11am. $985 plus personal food and gear. Prerequisite: One previous overnight camp, or two day camps in past years, or acceptance into our IIT Youth Mentoring Program with three workshops and one day camp with us earlier this summer or in past years. Weekend stayover option also available.
July 9-15, 2023 Advanced Wilderness Survival Trek near Mt Rainier for ages 11-17 from Sunday 6pm – Saturday 11am. $985 plus personal food and gear. Prerequisite: One previous overnight camp with us in prior week or years, with complimentary stayover also available from the previous camp week.
July 31 – Aug 4, 2023 Tracking Birds, Bobcats, Bears & Beyond at Lake Sammamish for ages 10-15 from Monday 9am – Friday 4pm. $985 includes all expenses. Prerequisite: One overnight camp with us earlier this summer or in past years, or at least two day camps with us in past years, or completion of our Wildlife Search & Rescue day camp the previous week plus additional screening application upon registration. Older teens may also attend if accepted into our IIT Youth Mentoring Program.
August 7-11, 2023 Wild Chefs & Herbal Medics at Lake Sammamish for ages 10-15 from Monday 9am – Friday 4pm. $985 includes all expenses. Prerequisite: One overnight camp with us earlier this summer or in past years, or at least two day camps with us in the past, or completion of our Wild Cooking & Herbology day camp earlier this summer plus additional screening application upon registration. Older teens may also attend if accepted into our IIT Youth Mentoring Program.
August 14-18, 2023 Survival Side of the Mountain at Lake Sammamish for ages 10-15 from Monday 9am – Friday 4pm. $985 includes all expenses. Prerequisite: One overnight camp with us earlier this summer or in past years, or at least two day camps with us this summer or in past years, plus additional screening application upon registration. Older teens may also attend if accepted into our IIT Youth Mentoring Program.
August 21-25, 2023 Archers, Artists & Artisans at Lake Sammamish for ages 10-15 from Monday 9am – Friday 4pm. $985 includes all expenses. Prerequisites: Two overnight camps with us earlier this summer or in past years, or at least three day camps with us this summer or in past years, plus additional screening application upon registration. Older teens may also attend if accepted into our IIT Youth Mentoring Program.
August 27 – Sept 1, 2023 Epic Fishing Camp based at Camp Curran in Tacoma/Puyallup for ages 11-17 from Sunday 5pm – Friday 5pm. $1,975 includes all expenses with 12 maximum participants plus Apprentices & IITs. Prerequisite: One overnight camp with us earlier this summer or in past years, plus additional screening application upon registration.
June 26-30, 2023 at Camp Curran off Canyon Road: Accessible Wilderness Survival Craft for ages 7-13 which is excellent for all hands-on learners at all ability levels.
July 17-21, 2023 at Clark’s Creek Park & Blue Skye Farm: Choose between our Wildlife Search & Rescue and Wild Cooking & Herbology themes for youth ages 7-13 who can be focused and flexible learning in outdoor settings.
July 24-28, 2023 at Lake Sammamish Sunset Beach: Choose between Wild Cooking & Herbology or Wildlife Search & Rescue for ages 8-13 with no prerequisites (and seven year olds with older sibling at camp).
July 31 – Aug 4, 2023 at Lake Sammamish Hans Jensen Group Camp: Wilderness Survival Craft for ages 8-13 with no prerequisite (and seven year olds with older sibling at camp), or Advanced Animal Tracking for ages 10-15 (and nine year olds with older friend/sibling in group) with prerequisite of Wildlife Search & Rescue in a prior week or year.
August 7-11, 2023 at Lake Sammamish Hans Jensen Group Camp: Wilderness Survival Craft for ages 8-13 with no prerequisite (and seven year olds with older sibling at camp), or Advanced Herbal Medicine for ages 10-15 (and nine year olds with older friend/sibling in group) with prerequisite of Wild Cooking & Herbology in a prior week or year.
August 14-18, 2023 at Lake Sammamish Hans Jensen Group Camp: Wildlife Search & Rescue for ages 8-13 with no prerequisite (and seven year olds with older sibling at camp), or Advanced Wilderness Survival for ages 10-15 (and nine year olds with older friend/sibling in group) with prerequisite of at least two prior camps with us.
Aug 21-25, 2023 at Lake Sammamish Hans Jensen Group Camp: Wild Cooking & Herbology for ages 8-13 with no prerequisite (and seven year olds with older sibling at camp), or Advanced Skills of the Artisan for ages 10-15 who have graduated from at least three previous Wolf Camp weeks, and parents attest that a camper can succeed in our method of knife safety and tool training.
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Wolf Camp and School of Natural Science
Be sure to ask each Washington Wilderness Camp about the amount of wilderness instruction and the overall intensity of their wilderness program.
Some Top Washington Wilderness Camps offer rigorous daily wilderness training and lots of intensive wilderness experience. Other great Washington Camps offer wilderness and nature studies as an elective or recreational activity with much less training and intensity.
Visit Our YMCA Camp Reed Website
(509) 720-5630
1126 N Monroe St
Spokane, Washington 99201
Watch Our YMCA Camp Reed Video
CAMPER AGES: Entering 1st - 10th grade in Fall 2014
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. week long, mini camp, Counselor in Training
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
AFFILIATION(S): YMCA, American Camp Association accredited
SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: Camp Reed is not accredited as a special needs camp. If your camper/participant has special health needs (including but not limited to: diabetes, cardiac illness, severe asthma, seizures, serious behavioral issues, or severe allergies), you must contact the camp director for advance clearance.
On a case by case basis, we consult with parent/guardian and our camp nurse to determine if accommodation and appropriate care is available. If we are unable to accommodate a special need, we do our best to provide information as to other camps that may be better suited for the particular situation.
Wilderness/Nature, and more.
CAMP LOCATION: Located just thirty miles north of Spokane, Camp Reed is set on close to 600 acres on beautiful Fan Lake. Camp Reed is a place that allows a �kid to be a kid,� experience life in the beautiful outdoors, and the opportunity to learn from our excellent staff and rich program activities. Our staff strives to make sure that each child feels special and comes away with the values and experiences that they may treasure for a lifetime.
▌Read More about YMCA Camp Reed
CAMP FACILITIES: � Year-round lake view retreat
� 2 lodge bunk rooms (each sleep 20)
� 24 modern cabins (each sleeps 10 � 12)
� Full meal service available
� Multipurpose lodge
� Hiking trails
� Archery
� Meeting areas
� Commercial kitchen
� Climbing tower
� Excellent challenge course
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: A camper�s time at camp is divided between unit time, cabin activities, free-choice time and all-camp events. Each day we have flagpole gatherings, chapel, waterfront activities, cabin clean up, work areas and siesta after lunch. Day and night hikes are extremely popular.
Once a week, weather permitting, each cabin joins with another for a sleep-out. This often includes a long hike (1 � 7 miles) and a night out under the stars. Younger cabins stay close to camp, while older campers explore further away from camp. Backpacks or bags to carry sleeping bags and water bottles are helpful. The two oldest cabins may have the opportunity to bike about 30 miles from camp for their overnight.
We have three campfires with songs and crazy staff skits with a special �sticks� campfire on the last evening. One night is reserved for a carnival and a camp dance. These events conclude around 9:30pm, and lights are out between 10:30 and 11:30pm. Wake up bell is at 8:30am.
Free-choice activities include arts & crafts, archery, climbing, sports, waterfront and wilderness activities. We also offer plenty of new and unique activities each day such as turtle hunts, random parades, stream hikes, boat races and a �Shark Swim� across the lake. This is a great time for campers to be with friends in different cabins.
CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: The Camp Reed Counselor in Training (CIT) two-week program is designed for 15 & 16 year olds that will be entering their sophomore year of high school in Fall 2014. This very popular two week program consists of a Work Week and a Bike Trip. It is designed to provide a comprehensive youth experience where each individual is encouraged to reach his/her full potential.
The philosophy behind the Camp Reed CIT program is founded in an outdoor experience where the participant is challenged physically, mentally, socially and spiritually. It is fun, challenging and life changing!
CIT Leaders are experienced and mature Camp Reed staff who utilize group dynamics to encourage each participant to learn more about themselves and others in the group. They have the opportunity to work as a team as well as to practice leadership and group dynamic skills. This philosophy is the key to maintaining focus throughout the program�s entirety.
In order for the CIT program to accomplish its objective, each participant will be held to a high level of commitment and maturity. The CIT program is a transition for participants from camper to young adult. Expectations are higher in areas of personal responsibility, maturity and accountability. CIT Leaders will therefore treat CITs more like young adults than campers.
CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Camperships are available for any Camp Reed program - Mini Camp, Traditional Camp, CIT, and JC programs. We advise you to complete the campership process before registering your child for camp, as camperships are not guaranteed. For the complete process, visit: Our Camp Website Link:
FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): Camp Reed Family Camp is a great opportunity to bring the generations of your family together for fun, adventure and memories to last a lifetime. Activities are run by Camp Reed staff but parents are responsible for supervising their children.
� Year-round lake view retreat
� 2 lodge bunk rooms (each sleep 20)
� 24 modern cabins (each sleeps 10 � 12)
� Full meal service available (not required)
� Multipurpose lodge
� Hiking trails
� Archery
� Meeting areas
� Commercial kitchen
� Climbing tower
RETREATS & CHALLENGE COURSE NOW BOOKING 2014 & 2015 DATES! Contact Nicki Watt at 509 276 5307 or nwatt[AT]
Improve team communication and motivation
Create a cohesive and productive team climate
Build player satisfaction and team trust
Registration opens December 9, 2013. Visit Our Camp Website Link: for more information.
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YMCA Camp Reed
Some Washington Wilderness Camps offer BOTH Day and Overnight Camp options. Be sure to check each camp's description under "TYPE OF CAMP" for complete information, and exact hours.
Some Washington Wilderness Day Camps also offer Extended Camp Hours for Early Camper Drop-Off and Pick Up. If you need these services, you should contact the camp to confirm availability.
Visit Our Adventures in Acting Website
(425) 778-8572
6515 196th St SW
Lynnwood, WA 98306
More than 6 months ago. Contact camp for the latest 2025 camp info.
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
Wilderness/Nature, Fine Arts/Crafts, Theater, Science, and more.
CAMP LOCATION: Our camp is held on our school campus, which is located in Lynnwood on 196th St SW, two blocks west of highway 99.
▌Read More about Adventures in Acting
CAMP FACILITIES: Our facilities include 12 classrooms, a performing arts center, an amphitheater, a playground, basketball courts, a play field, and a multipurpose room which serves as a gym and a dining hall.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: In this week-long drama camp, we will learn the tricks of the trade, from stage terms to make-up, costumes, and props. Basic theater movement and dance will be explored.
Campers will play improvisation and drama games, learn how to read a script with a discerning eye, and deliver lines with Oscar-worthy expression. With the help of an experienced drama teacher, we will put on a production of theatrical proportions.
Join us from June 24th-June 28th for Adventures in Acting camp. Camp begins at 9 a.m. and ends at 4 p.m. We offer after care services until 6 p.m. at $7 an hour. The cost of this week-long camp is $215. Check out our registration form on the website for special discounts!
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Adventures in Acting
Visit Our Camp Nor'wester Website
(425) 670-1935
Johns Island, Washington 98250
PO Box 1055 Edmonds, WA 98020
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Camp Nor'wester offers a unique, outdoor summer camp experience for boys and girls ages 9-16 in the San Juan Islands of Washington. Sessions run for four weeks to provide our campers opportunities to meet new friends, form a strong, cohesive unit together and learn about themselves through engaging in activities including waterfront, challenge course, music, nature, archery, drama and arts and crafts activities as well as overnight and outcamp trips. More information is available on our website Our Camp Website Link: or by calling the camp office.
Wilderness/Nature, Waterfront/Aquatics, Sailing, Adventure, Travel, Fine Arts/Crafts, Dance, Music/Band, Theater, Soccer, and more. Archery, Ropes/Challenge Course, Nature, Kayaking, Canoeing, Overnight Camping, & Multi-day Outcamp Trips. Recreational Activities Include Soccer, Frisbee, Gaga Ball, Volleyball, Basketball, Capture The Flag & Other Field Games.
CAMP LOCATION: We are located on Johns Island, a small island just north of San Juan Island, in the northern part of Puget Sound. Our 135-acre property offers open meadows, a pond and marsh, intimate coves and beaches and old-growth forests. Please visit our website for photos and descriptions of our site and program areas.
▌Read More about Camp Nor'wester
CAMP FACILITIES: Campers and Staff live in canvas tipis, in units of 6-8 tipis, with three people per tipi. Third and fourth graders live in platform tents, with four people per tent. We have an open-air lodge for dining and all-camp events, and two shower houses, one for each side of camp. The bulk of our activities take place outdoors - on the Waterfront, in the Challenge Course, the Archery range, Craft Shop porch or out in the woods exploring our property.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Our program is based on creating a community living and learning situation for camper units of the same age or grade. Campers learn to cooperate with and support other members of their peer group, while moving through our program areas as a unit. While we have several free-choice opportunities throughout the session, our campers learn and grow as individuals while working through activities and challenges as a unit.
All of our staff go through a two-week staff training together, preparing program areas, practicing safety procedures, working with equipment and attending important sessions covering topics from working with children to bullying and child-abuse prevention.
Each camper unit has two unit leaders who attend all activities with that unit and provide support for each camper while facilitating team building and group bonding. These unit leaders are in addition to our program teaching staff, allowing our staff:camper ratio to be at least 1:5. Units are schedule to participate in activities week by week, including drama, archery, nature, adobe oven, garden, high and low ropes course elements, canoeing, kayaking, sailing and an endless amount crafts activities.
In addition to our daily programs, all camper units go on overnight camping trips once per week, and beginning at age 13 participate in multi-day outcamp trips. These excursions include hiking, canoeing, kayaking, sailing and biking. There are many opportunities for campers of different ages to interact with each other, including all-camp activities in the evenings such as square dances, and special events days.
CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Financial Aid applicants submit a camper application and scholarship forms by Dec 31st of each year for the next summer. Awards are announced by March 1st. Approximately 20-25 families receive financial aid each year. Most awards cover a portion of tuition, and our focus for awards is geared towards families with an income of $50,000 or less. For more information please visit: Our Camp Website Link:
FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): Explore Nor'wester (Family Camp) - Four-day program for families with at least one camper aged 6 and up. An introduction to our program for families to get a feel for what our full program is like. More info at: Our Camp Website Link:
Please visit our website for this season's rates and dates at: Our Camp Website Link:
We hire 85-90 staff seasonally including Unit Counselor and Program area positions to support all of our activities. Each unit of campers will have two unit staff and at least four program staff living with them in their unit. The Nor'wester staff experience can be as unique and rewarding as the camper experience. Interested staff applicants may find more information on our website at Our Camp Website Link: .
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Camp Norwester
Visit Our Camp Jonah Website
31 Little Mountain Rd.
Trout Lake, Washington 98650
CAMPER AGES: 1st grade thru High School
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp.
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers. All Boy Campers. All Girl Campers.
AFFILIATION(S): Christian.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Camp Jonah exists to be, live and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ through unique camp and retreat experiences. We are committed to providing a learning environment that is characterized as being safe, wholesome, secure, and fun!
Wilderness/Nature, Adventure, Theater, and more.
CAMP LOCATION: Camp Jonah is located in Trout Lake, Washington, at the base of Mt. Adams and bordered by crystal-clear Trout Creek. Within minutes, we can be caving, hiking, rock climbing, sledding, etc.
• Indoor Gymnasium: Large Group Meetings and Games, Basketball, Volleyball, Finger Rockets, Belly Bumpers, 4-Way Grinder, Inflatable Bungee Run, Theater Stage, Bleacher Spectator Seating
• Rec Room: Pool Table, Ping Pong, Air Hockey, Foosball, Carpetball, Board Games
• Chapel: Seats 120, Full Sound System, Video Projector, Overhead Projector, Wall Screen, Piano or Keyboard
• Large Sports Field: Soccer, Baseball, Football, Tent Camping, RV Parking
• Zipline: 50 feet high, 500 feet long
• Bunk Rooms: 6 rooms with 10-20 beds in each room
• Snow Day: Inner Tubes Pulled Behind Snowmobiles, Bonfire, Hot Chocolate
• High Ropes Course: 15 Element, 30 foot high course
• Paintball
• Hiking & Caving
• White Water Rafting
• Skiing & Snowboarding: at Mt. Hood (1 hour away)
• Great, Home-Cooked Food
• Bunk-Style Dorm Rooms
• Wireless Internet
• Bus Transportation Available Upon Request
• Awesome Mt. Adams and Trout Creek View
• Camp Store
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Camp Jonah began in 1996 through the love of a Grandmother for her 24 grandchildren. After many years of doing "Grandma Camp" on her 20 acres of woodlands, the desire grew to create a Christian camp experience for other children. "Grandma" Bernice Duke approached her son and daughter-in-law, Jeff & Beki Duke, with a dream to sell the homestead the family had owned since 1965, purchase the Old Trout Lake School, and start a camp.
We program our own camps during the summer. We specialize in small, hands-on camps with a strong emphasis on relationships. Please check our website for more info. Camp offered are: Prime Camp, Ultimate Kids’ Camp, Day Camps, G.I.R.L.’s Camp, Man Camp, High School Camp, Adventure Camps, Family Campout and Grand Camp.
YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Camp Jonah is a Christian, 501(c)(3), non-profit camp and retreat center. We operate year-round providing Christian camps, and hosting rental camps and retreats; we provide facilities for various activities and serve as a hub for many community events.
Please see our website for dates and prices.
Being on Summer Staff may make a person crazy, or exhausted . . . or both! One thing is for sure, it will be a summer you will never forget.
- Dedicated to pouring yourself into our two favorite things - kids and camp.
-Tight-knit loving community of people pursuing relationships with Jesus together.
-You will, "Get to the end of yourself where you can do nothing, but where He [Jesus] does everything." ~ from Oswald Chambers
You will live, laugh, cry and love with a team of people who you will grow to appreciate, and by the end of the summer you will find yourself saying, "8 weeks isn't enough."
For information on positions available, go to our website at Our Camp Website Link: or email us at program[AT]
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Camp Jonah
Visit Our The Whole Horse Place Website
The Whole Horse Place
4842 SW Daisy Street
Port Orchard, WA 98367
TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. 9:30-3:30, extended hours available
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
Program Partner with Girl Scouts. Accept "Cookie Dough" as payment.
Merit Badge Counselor with Boy Scouts.
Patriot Riders 4-H C
SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: Special needs campers are 1:1 ratio with camp staff; needs taken care of on a person by person basis.
Wilderness/Nature, Adventure, Horses/Equestrian, Science, Academics, and more. Equine Science, Leather Crafting.
CAMP LOCATION: 25 minutes north of Gig Harbor, WA, 20 minutes south of Port Orchard, WA, on approximately 50 square miles of beautiful wilderness.
▌Read More about The Whole Horse Place
CAMP FACILITIES: Small facility with 2 camper to 1 counselor ratio. All of our horsemanship, lessons and skill building starts in the barn, roundpen, and progresses to our wilderness trails through the week.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Horse Day Camp Four days (Monday-Thursday) Max. 8 campers $225 Ages 5-17* 9:30am-3:30pm 1/2 day PeeWee Camps, $125. Extended hours available.
Learn what it is like to own a horse. Most camps consist of four days (Monday-Thursday), one camp is five days, and one is two days. Equine Science included, beginning horsemanship, skill building riding lessons, trail rides, leather craft, and more. Identify parasites under a microscope, test for sand in the intestines, and much more, from horse identification to digestion. See what a horse is like, inside and out.
Bring a LARGE sack lunch, sunscreen, and water bottle. Dress for the weather and be prepared for hard work and fun!
PeeWee 1/2 Day Horse Camps Ages 5, 6, 7 Max. 8 campers Same as Horse Camp, modified to suit younger campers.
YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Horsemanship lessons year round.
OTHER CAMP INFO: Girl Scout Program Partner, Boy Scout Merit Badges.
2014 Camp Dates:
June 16-19th
June 23rd-26th
July 7th-10th
July 14-17th
August 4th-8th (5 day camp)
August 11th and 12th (2 day camp)
Please visit: Our Camp Website Link:
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The Whole Horse Place
Visit Our Camp Indianola Website
10635 NE Shore Drive
PO Box 1150
Indianola, WA
More than 6 months ago. Contact camp for the latest 2025 camp info.
CAMPER AGES: 1st-Adult
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Overnight camp or retreat options.
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
AFFILIATION(S): Christian.
Wilderness/Nature, Waterfront/Aquatics, Adventure, Dance, Music/Band, Theater, Swimming, Team Sports, and more.
CAMP LOCATION: In the shadows of the rainforest, on the shores of Puget Sound, campers may explore the wooded trails, discover shellfish at low tide, and enjoy the wonders of God�s creation
▌Read More about Camp Indianola
CAMP FACILITIES: Large 42 bed self contained lodge with beautiful ocean front property and views, 3 lodges, rustic cabins, cottage, outdoor basket ball and volley ball court, 1 mile of beach to explore, kayaking, rope swing, perimeter trail, 2 campfire amphitheaters, worship site on the hill, indescribable views of Mt. Rainier and Seattle.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Camp programs for kids ages 1st-12th grades with week specific programming, Family Camp, Senior High Adventure, check out our website for more information and specific camp dates!
OTHER CAMP INFO: Join us this summer as a camper or book a retreat for a weekend getaway. Don't miss out on this amazing place!
July 3-6, 2013 Family Camp
July 8-13, 2013 Music and Drama Camp
July 21-24, 2013 Elementary Camp
July 29-August 3, 2013 Senior High Camp
August 5-10, 2013 Junior High Camp
August 5-10, 2013 Senior High Camp
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Camp Indianola
Visit Our Ekone Summer Camp Website
401 Ekone Rd.
Goldendale, Washington 98620
Watch Our Ekone Summer Camp Video
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Music has always been an integral part of the Ekone Summer Camp program. From camp song favorites at garden parties, to Ekone-fying classics to original Ekone-inspired songs, we love making music! Music camp will give new and returning campers the opportunity to be inspired by the Ekone magic to write, sing and play to their hearts content.
Wilderness/Nature, Horses/Equestrian, Music/Band, Swimming, and more.
CAMP LOCATION: We are about 100 miles east of Portland, across the Columbia River in Washington state.
▌Read More about Ekone Summer Camp
CAMP FACILITIES: We have one large bunkhouse, built in 2019, where all campers sleep, a large, octagonal Lodge, a beautiful brand-new kitchen (first being used in 2023!), a swimming pond, and over 1,200 acres to explore!
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: We encourage musicians to bring an instrument, their voice, creativity and a notebook. Campers will spend time out on the land and in community to help uncover the music they'd like to make during the week. They will play music with the land, and in the process learn about the dance between space and sound, deep listening and the origins of music.
There will be time to make music together as a full group, break off into smaller groups and also have opportunities to work on and perform solo music, if desired. Campers will have many chances to share the music that is important to them, to share stories, feelings and thoughts about their influences and inspirations!
There will be talented Ekone staff musicians as well as a handful of guest stars (musicians with real world experience!) to bring all kinds of ideas to the week. The culmination of the session will be to an Ekone-style concert (think extra fancy Garden Party!) giving campers the opportunity to perform in a way supportive environment. If time and equipment allows, we will also try to record some of the music created throughout the week.
When you apply for camp, you can let us know in that application if you'd also like to apply for a scholarship.
OTHER CAMP INFO: Ekone Summer Camp is located on 1,263 acres of mixed oak-pine forest, extensive grasslands, and overlooking the beautiful Rock Creek Canyon in south central Washington state. Our music campers will spend copious amounts of time on the land, hiking, exploring, and being inspired by what nature has to offer us. Ekone also has horse programs, and while music camp will not be riding the horses, there are lots of opportunities to spend some time around the horses.
Music Camp at Ekone will be July 16-21, 2023.
Please see our website for more information.
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Ekone Summer Camp
Visit Our Burke Museum Summer Camp Website
Burke Museum
University of Washington
Seattle, Washington 98195
TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. Daily 9am - 4pm
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: From dinos to dodos, Peru to the Philippines, Burke Museum Summer Camps take you behind-the-scenes with real artifacts and specimens! Work with a team of scientists, artists, and educators to explore the wonderful world of the Pacific.
Wilderness/Nature, Science, Academics, and more. Paleontology, Archaeology, Anthropology, Natural History.
CAMP LOCATION: Our museum is located on the Northwest corner of the University of Washington campus in Seattle, WA.
▌Read More about Burke Museum Summer Camp
CAMP FACILITIES: We have 3 galleries and 2 classroom spaces in the museum, as well as access to behind-the-scenes collections and UW teaching labs, greenhouse, and other University facilities.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Burke Museum Summer Camps connects kids with the natural and cultural world of the Pacific. Whether they are digging for fossils, extracting plant DNA, or learning how to make stone tools, our camps encourage campers to be curious and get excited about the world around them, inspiring a generation of young explorers. Campers get up-close to the museum's collection of cultural artifacts and natural history specimens. They get hands-on and dirty digging for artifacts, making fossil casts, or building jurassic volcanoes.
CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Scholarships are available. For more information, download and complete our scholarship form: Our Camp Website Link:
For information about available camps and pricing, visit: Our Camp Website Link:
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Burke Museum Summer Camp
Visit Our Adventure Treks Website
PO Box 1321
Flat Rock, NC 28731
Washington, Oregon, California, Colorado, Idaho, Wyoming, Alaska, British Columbia
Watch Our Adventure Treks Video
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Teen Summer Adventure Camp
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Adventure Treks’ summer camps for teens are all about making memories, fostering lifelong friendships, and creating more confident and capable young men and women. We want each of our students to discover their best selves, and we believe that the great outdoors is just the way to do it. Our commitment to creating a close-knit community is what sets us apart. Plus, our trips are technology-free, so students learn to “survive” (and even thrive!) without electronics.
Wilderness/Nature, Waterfront/Aquatics, Adventure, Travel, Swimming, Weightloss, Team Sports, and more. Hiking, Camping, Whitewater Rafting, Backpacking, Rock Climbing, Mountain Biking, Caving, Sea Kayaking, Whitewater Kayaking, Mountaineering, Canoeing, Ziplining, Inflatable Kayaking, Ice Climbing
CAMP LOCATION: We operate 8- to 30-day fun adventure camps in WA, OR, CA, CO, ID, WY, AK, and BC!
▌Read More about Adventure Treks
CAMP FACILITIES: All trips begin at a designated airport. Students explore the most scenic and beautiful places in a particular region, and travel between activity sites in brand-new, 15-passenger vans. We spend each night in a tent, and students learn how to cook in the backcountry—with plenty of guidance from our instructors! They go backpacking, camping, whitewater rafting, rock climbing, whitewater kayaking, ziplining, ice climbing, canoeing, sea kayaking, inflatable kayaking, mountaineering, and mountain biking.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Physical and emotional safety is our top priority.
Fun and exciting outdoor activities help teens grow and gain life skills and a greater sense of self. Our exceptional instructor role models take a sincere interest in the growth and development of young people. We inspire young people to develop a lifetime love of the outdoors and with a corresponding conservation ethic. We empower students to create an inclusive and reflective community that maintains a culture of kindness, sense of humor, and spirit of cooperation and volunteerism. We strive to be a sustainable and responsive business, with a focus on our families and the quality of our programs. We form long-term relationships with our students, their families, instructors, staff, and outfitters.
CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Leadership Summit (for 11th and 12th graders) is the perfect opportunity to strengthen leadership skills for roles in the outdoor industry starting in college.
CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Financial aid available to several students a year, based on need and merit. Email info[AT] for more information.
See all dates and rates at: Our Camp Website Link:
Our instructor role models:
- Average age is 27 (minimum age is 21)
- All college graduates
- At minimum, all are medically trained as wilderness first responders. However, many more have additional certifications.
- Significant experience working with teenagers in the outdoors
- Clean driving record
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Adventure Treks
Visit Our Avid4 Adventure Website
2805 Wilderness Place
Suite 100
Boulder, CO 80301
We have multiple day camp locations throughout the Front Range of Colorado (12); Bay area of California (9), Minneapolis, Minnesota; Portland and Bend Oregon; and Seattle, Washington.
Our overnight camps are located in Orinda, California; Bailey, Evergreen and Boulder, Colorado.
2805 Wilderness Place #100
Boulder, CO 80302
Watch Our Avid4 Adventure Video
CAMPER AGES: Day Camps: Pre-K- 5th grade; Overnight Camps: 1st - 12th grade
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp. Day Camps: Monday - Friday, 9-3pm *Extended Care Available. Overnight camps: 4 day to 2 week sessions
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Experience the power of authentic outdoor adventure this summer! Avid4 Adventure summer camps teach pre-K – 12th graders of all levels to climb, paddle, bike, hike and thrive in the outdoors. With help from our time-tested curriculum and experienced instructors, we give campers solid outdoors skills and character-shaping confidence they can use at camp and beyond, launching them into a lifetime of empowering adventure.
Wilderness/Nature, Waterfront/Aquatics, Sailing, Adventure, Horses/Equestrian, Travel, Team Sports, and more. Kayaking, Rock Climbing, Mountain Biking, Stand Up Paddleboarding, Backpacking, Hiking & So Much More!
CAMP LOCATION: Avid4 Adventure offers multi-sport day camps along the front range in Colorado and the Bay Area in California, as well as overnight camps and Teen Leadership Programs in Bailey & Evergreen, Colorado.
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CAMP FACILITIES: Overnight camp locations at Windy Peak & Mt. Evans are in gorgeous locations in the Rocky Mountains, Colorado.
Our facilities have the look and feel of the quintessential sleep-away camp, complete with great and healthy food, comfortable lodging and plenty of opportunities for outdoor adventure. Camper loging are all single-sex and staff supervised. Our Head Chef has an advanced culinary degree and a passion for healthy eating, oversees a professional staff that cooks up delicious meals and accommodates food allergies and other dietary requests (such as vegan and gluten-free).
We also have teen travel Expedition programs for 5th-12th graders where campers sleep in tents every night and adventure every day with drop off locations in Boulder, Colorado and Orinda, California.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Avid4 Adventure offers multi-sport day camps along the front range in Colorado and the Bay Area in California, as well as overnight camps and Teen Leadership Programs in Bailey & Evergreen, Colorado. Camps are fun and inspiring with activities that include Rock Climbing, Mountain Biking, Hiking, Kayaking, Canoeing & much more!
Overnight camps also include Whitewater Rafting, Fly Fishing, Whitewater Rafting, Archery, Tree Climbing, Horseback Riding and Backpacking Expeditions. Day Camps for grades Pre-K-5th grade, Overnight Camp for grades 1st-8th and Teen Leadership Training for grades 9-12th. Please visit Our Camp Website Link: for more information.
American Camp Association Accredited.
CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Staff-in-Training programs
CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Avid4 Adventure is accepting application to our Financial Assistance program: Our Camp Website Link:
Please visit our website at Our Camp Website Link: to see specific details regarding dates and times.
We are seeking applicants that have a passion for kids and interests & experience in some or all of the following activities: hiking, biking, rock climbing, SUPing, canoeing, kayaking, overnight expeditions and outdoor education.
We were voted to the Outside Magazine Bests Place to Work for four years in a row!
Working with Avid4 Adventure, you will help inspire budding outdoor enthusiasts and become part of an incredible team of adventurers. Each summer, we hire Instructors, Camp Leadership, Facilities and Kitchen staff.
Check out all available positions at our Avid4 Adventure Jobs page, and click through to our Online Application at Our Camp Website Link:
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Avid4 Adventure
Visit Our Camp Solomon Schechter Website
206-447-1967 (off season)
206-715-2588 (mobile)
360-352-1019 (summer)
604-288-7655 (Canadian Voice Mail)
206-447-2629 (fax)
1627 73rd AV SE
Olympia, Washington 98501
117 East Louisa St. #110
Seattle WA
Watch Our Camp Solomon Schechter Video
CAMPER AGES: 7 to 18
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
Wilderness/Nature, Waterfront/Aquatics, Adventure, Fine Arts/Crafts, Dance, Music/Band, Theater, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Soccer, Tennis, Weightloss, Basketball, Baseball, Football, Team Sports, and more. Ga Ga, Disc Golf, Ultimate, Lawn Sports, & Archery.
CAMP LOCATION: An hour south of Seattle and two our north of Portland and 5 minutes off of I 5 in Olympia Washington Our 175 Acre property has its own lake, the descutes river, bogs, wetlands, beaver ponds, bald eagles, Osprey, deer, many birds, many trails.
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CAMP FACILITIES: Challenge course, zip line, climbing tower, lake, river, bog, woods, trails, cabins with bathrooms in the cabin, kosher kitchen, hotel, amphitheater, basketball court, tennis courts, soccer fields, softball fields, lake, dock, trails
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: 60 year old independent Jewish summer sleep away camp with its roots in conservative Judaism. Best Jewish camp in Washington State 4 years in a row, JT News.
CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: 11th grade Counselor in Training program.
CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: First time camper incentives, sign up discounts and financial aid/scholarships are available.
FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): Family Camp Memorial Day weekend!
Aleph Rishon Grades 2 – 4; June 30- July 13
Aleph Sheni Grades 2 – 4; July 14 – July 20
Bet Grades 5 – 7; June 30 – July 20
Gimmel Grades 8 – 10; July 23 – August 12
Oded Grade 11; June 15 – August 3
Family Camp May 23 - 25
Junior counselor, senior counselor, kitchen staff, head staff -- please contact the camp for more information.
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Camp Solomon Schechter
Visit Our Camp Zanika Lache Website
16400 Cedar Brae Rd.
Leavenworth, Washington 98826
5 S. Wenatchee Ave, Suite 101
Wenatchee, Wa 98801
Watch Our Camp Zanika Lache Video
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Camp Zanika Lache is a non-profit coed summer camp, run by Camp Fire North Central Washington Council for over 85 years. Located in the Wenatchee National Forest, we are a traditional summer camp with boating, archery, ropes course, crafts, hiking, camping, and lots of fun.
Wilderness/Nature, Waterfront/Aquatics, Adventure, Horses/Equestrian, Travel, Fine Arts/Crafts, Swimming, Team Sports, and more. High & Low Ropes Courses
Arts & Crafts
Outdoor Skills
Off-site Overnight Camping
River Rafting
CAMP LOCATION: We are located outside of Leavenworth, WA, on 15 beautiful acres of lake front wilderness. Please visit our website for lots of camp photos and videos.
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OTHER CAMP INFO: Camp Zanika Lache is a non-profit coed summer camp, run by Camp Fire North Central Washington Council for over 85 years. Camp Fire provides the opportunity for kids to find their spark, lift their voice, and discover who they are.
Please go to our website, at Our Camp Website Link: for our Sessions, Dates, and Fees.
Spend the summer living and working in Washington State’s beautiful Wenatchee National Forest. Camp Zanika Lache a traditional co-ed residential summer camp, located on the shores of Lake Wenatchee, is hiring for its summer camp staff. At Camp Zanika we provided an amazing weeklong experience for children ages 5-17. Our diverse staff of 40 college aged individuals, from all over the world, come together to make a positive difference in the lives of the campers we serve, creating memories that last a lifetime.
We are hiring dedicated hardworking leaders that can handle the challenging camp environment, take initiative, put kids first, and enjoy being outdoors.
Working at Camp Zanika is an amazing opportunity to gain useful skills, meet great people and have fun out of doors. Staff have the opportunity to learn and develop new skills, gain professional job experience, and take part in a comprehensive job training, while being given support and feedback. Camp Zanika provides competitive salary (varies with position), room and board, staff shirts, and a truly amazing life experience with memories and friends that will last a life time.
Jobs available include; Lifeguards, Archery instructor, Naturalist, Arts and Crafts Instructor, Ropes Course Instructor, Waterfront Director, Trip and Travel Director, Male & Female Counselors, Unit Coordinator, Asst. Directors, Asst. Cook, Volunteer Nurse and Chef.
Meals and housing included.
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Camp Zanika Lache
Visit Our One Step Programs Website
300 Conference Point Road
Williams Bay, Wisconsin 53191
Park City, Utah
Springfield, Illinois
Chicago, Illinois
Washington DC
Walworth, Wisconsin
Charlotte, North Carolina
Mauston, Wisconsin
213 W. Institute Pl. Suite 511
Chicago, Illinois 60610
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp. 3-day, up to two-week long programs
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: We are an organization that provides programs to help campers with the special medical needs that they may have as a result of treatment for cancer.
SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: We are an organization that provides programs to help campers with the special medical needs that they may have as a result of treatment for cancer.
Wilderness/Nature, Waterfront/Aquatics, Sailing, Adventure, Horses/Equestrian, Fine Arts/Crafts, Dance, Swimming, Golf, Basketball, Baseball, and more.
CAMP LOCATION: Our main program is located on the the beachfront of Lake Geneva, approximately 1 hour from Milwaukee, and 1 1/2 hours Northwest of Chicago, Ill.
▌Read More about One Step Programs
CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: While we only ask parents for 10% of the cost, for a camper to attend a program, we offer partial or full camperships for families who may not be able to afford the tuition for a program.
FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): We have a Brain Tumor Family Camp that is specifically designed for families with a child with a Brain Tumor diagnosis, and/or a Brain Tumor Survivor.
In addition, we have out "general" Family Camp for families with a child that has a cancer diagnosis, and/or are a survivor.
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One Step Programs
Visit Our Bertschi School Summer Exploration Website
2227 10th AVE east
Seattle, Washington
CAMPER AGES: K-6th grade
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
Wilderness/Nature, Adventure, Travel, Fine Arts/Crafts, Music/Band, Theater, Musical Theater, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Volleyball, Wrestling, Team Sports, Science, Academics, Computers, Technology, and more. Sewing, Costume Design, Cooking, Tabletop Gaming, Film Making, Drama, Cardboard Arcade, Make Your Own Comic Book, Animation, Ultimate Frisbee, Printmaking & More!
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Weekly camps from June 27th - August 5th. For more info please visit Our Camp Website Link:
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Bertschi School Summer Exploration
Visit Our Alpengirl Adventure Camp Website
214 E Mendenhall St
Suite 102
Bozeman, MT 59715
Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Washington, Oregon, Maine, and Iceland
Bozeman, Montana
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. 1- to 2-week overnight sessions.
CAMPER GENDER(S): All Girl Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Our traveling adventure camps for girls take place in wilderness areas near: Seattle, Washington; Bellingham, Washington; Portland, Oregon; Bozeman, Montana; Jackson, Wyoming; Boise, Idaho; Portland, Maine; and Iceland. Alpengirl is a multi-adventure camp, we offer a variety of adventure activities in each session. Alpengirl Camp is accredited by the American Camp Association (ACA) and has a staff to camper ratio of 1:4 or 1:6.
Wilderness/Nature, Waterfront/Aquatics, Adventure, Horses/Equestrian, Travel, Team Sports, and more. Yoga, Outdoor Cooking, Leave No Trace, Backpacking, Surfing, Whitewater Rafting, Rock Climbing, Canoeing, Sea Kayaking, Glacier Trekking, Llama & Horse Packing, & Multi-Adventure.
CAMP LOCATION: Our traveling adventure camps take place in wilderness areas near: Seattle, Washington; Bellingham, Washington; Portland, Oregon; Bozeman, Montana; Jackson, Wyoming; Boise, Idaho; Portland, Maine; and Iceland. All sessions begin and end at a local airport.
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CAMP FACILITIES: Alpengirl campers sleep in 3-4 person backpacking style tents, we practice outdoor living, cooking, and Leave No Trace skills. A majority of our campsites have bathroom and running water and are located in gorgeous wilderness settings in mountains, next to fresh water streams, and by pristine lakes.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Alpengirl Camp is accredited by the American Camp Association (ACA) and has a staff to camper ratio of 1:4 or 1:6. Our camp is highly supervised with small groups of 12 girls led by 2-3 adult female role model Alpenguides. Alpenguides are all 21+ and hold certifications in Wilderness First Aid and CPR.
FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): Mother-Daughter Olympic Adventure
OTHER CAMP INFO: Alpengirl is a multi-adventure camp, we offer a variety of adventure activities in each session. We also practice daily yoga and enjoy cooking and eating delicious, healthy camp food. Campers are involved in all aspects of camp life including acting as leader of the day, setting up tents, cooking on camp stoves, following hiking maps, leading fun activities with the group and being part of a close-knit team.
Girls age 11-12 this summer can choose a 1-week camp in Montana (near Bozeman, MT) or Washington State (near Seattle, WA).
Girls age 12-14 in middle school can choose (or combine) 1- to 2-week camp sessions in Montana, Idaho and Wyoming, in Washington State, or Maine.
Girls age 14-16 in high school can choose a 2-week camp in Montana, Idaho and Wyoming, in Washington State, or Maine, as well as a brand new Iceland itinerary for 15-17 year olds!
Please Visit Alpengirl Website for Complete List of Trips: Our Camp Website Link:
Our camp is only as wonderful as our leaders - and our Alpenguides are pretty great! Alpenguides are enthusiastic, inspirational, intrepid outdoor people who are dedicated to creating meaningful and fun opportunities for each and every Alpengirl participant.
We are seeking trustworthy, fun-loving individuals who model the Alpengirl values of adventure and inclusivity, and are passionate about sharing the outdoors with our awesome campers!
Love backpacking? Want to be a mentor and role model? Know how to bring the FUN?
Read the Alpenguide Job Description and apply this fall!
Website: Our Camp Website Link:
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Alpengirl Adventure Camp
Visit Our NatureBridge Website
111 Barnes Point road
Port Angeles, Washington 98363
Watch Our NatureBridge Video
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Your family is invited to discover Olympic National Park like you’ve never seen it before! Join NatureBridge, the national park’s nonprofit education partner, for Olympic Family Camp. This 5-day, 4-night adventure gives families opportunities to learn together, laugh together and build a lifetime of memories. Our professional educators lead explorations of Olympic National Park and Peninsula insider adventures for all ages.
SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: Wheelchair accessible facilities are available.
Wilderness/Nature, Adventure, Travel, Science, and more.
CAMP LOCATION: At NatureBridge's Campus on Lake Crescent you'll relax lake-side on the historic grounds of the Rosemary Inn, canoe on glacially-carved Lake Crescent, and explore the old growth forest around Barnes Point. Visit our website for photos!
CAMP FACILITIES: You will be lodging in a standard or historic cabin based on availability and group size. Our standard cabins are modern, heated and air-conditioned. Our historic cabins have a unique charm and feature the historical construction of our property. Cabins have their own restrooms and showers or are located adjacent to a shared bath house.
Wheelchair accessible facilities are available.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Today, NatureBridge connects over 35,000 students and 600 schools each year to the wonder and science of the natural world, igniting self-discovery and inspiring stewardship of our planet. We operate in Yosemite National Park and the Golden Gate National Recreation Area in California; Olympic National Park in Washington; and Prince William Forest Park in Virginia.
Our professional educators lead explorations of Olympic National Park and Peninsula insider adventures for all ages.
Our staff have a Bachelor's Degree or equivalent work and training experience, cleared background checks, CPR certifications, epinephrine auto-injector certifications and Wilderness First Responder certifications (an 80 hour wilderness medicine course). Educators are trained on COVID-19 precautions and well versed in our health and safety plan. Staff carry radios that communicate directly with the National Park Service emergency dispatch.
Your stay includes: Four nights stay in one of our cabins with your cohort, five days of guided activities with one of our educators, breakfast, lunch and dinner during your stay and Evening programs facilitated by our education staff.
OTHER CAMP INFO: Olympic Family Camp is coordinated in cooperation with National Park Service and US Public Health Service officials following current CDC guidelines for outdoor camps
Please check our website for more details.
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Visit Our SAMBICA Website
(425) 746-9110
4114 W. Lake Sammamish Pkwy SE
Bellevue, Washington 98008
Watch Our SAMBICA Video
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp. High School Leadership
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
AFFILIATION(S): Christian.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Exciting! Adventurous! Fun! Wonderful! Life changing! Since 1919, children of all ages have found SAMBICA to be a safe, joy-filled place. Caring relationships, water activities, and flat-out-fun combine to create life long memories and foster the development of faith. Camp options are available for youth entering 1st to 12th grade.
Wilderness/Nature, Waterfront/Aquatics, Adventure, Swimming, Soccer, and more. High School Leadership Program.
CAMP LOCATION: SAMBICA is conveniently located just 10 minutes southeast of Bellevue, WA and 20 minutes east of Seattle on the shores of Lake Sammamish. Please visit our website for lots of camp photos and videos.
CAMP FACILITIES: Situated on 9 acres in between Bellevue and Issaquah, SAMBICA has 5 stand alone cabins, 2 buildings with dorm-style "cabins", and several smaller cabins and rooms. There is also a large dining hall, an amphitheatre style meeting space, high and low challenge courses, two large campfire locations, a large games field, a basketball court, an indoor play space, a camp store, and a spacious lake waterfront with swimming area, sand volley ball, water toys, boats, kayaks, and canoes.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: These are only a few of the many words used to describe a SAMBICA camp experience. Since 1919, children of all ages have found SAMBICA’s beautiful location on Lake Sammamish to be a safe, joy-filled place. Caring relationships, water activities and flat-out-fun combine to create life long memories and foster the development of faith. A variety of camp options are available for youth entering 2nd to 12th grade.
SAMBICA offers day camps for kids entering grades 2 - 9, overnight camps for kids entering grades 4 - 9, and a high school leadership program for kids entering grades 9 - 12.
Did you love attending SAMBICA as a camper? Are you looking for a way to make your summer matter? Come be part of SAMBICA’s High School Program while having the camp experience of a lifetime.
Who is this program for?
All students entering 9th-12th grade are welcome. You do not have to be a previous SAMBICA camper to attend.
What does the program consist of?
This overnight program consists of 3 different weeks – Adventure, Serve, and Lead. If you are unable to attend all 3 weeks consecutively, you may register for weeks that fit your schedule (but must still be in the Adventure – Serve – Lead in this sequence). Once you have completed the sequence, you may register for any other available weeks.
Adventure Week: Step out into the world, unplugged and off camp. Start the program exploring the foundations of the Christian Faith while on an adventure of a lifetime.
Serve Week: Back on camp for a behind the scenes look. Serve in areas of camp that most people may not see. Learn to serve as Christ served.
Lead Week: Building off the first two weeks of the program, students get a chance to explore their own gifts and talents from God. Learning how to use them as leaders in the community of camp.
Mentoring: Students are partnered with a college-age leader while in their program. This is a chance to explore the Bible deeper, build a strong relationship, and ask questions.
Community: Students gather from all of over the Greater Seattle area and build life-long friendships. Each evening will consist of intentional time to create shared experiences.
Community Service Hours: Each student will earn community service hours based off their time in the program. Service weeks will consist of 30 hours and Lead weeks will be up to 40. A certificate will be mailed at the end of the summer to each student for their records. All paperwork needed from school is the responsibility of the student.
CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Complete a scholarship application here: Our Camp Website Link:
YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Visit our website for details of Camp SAM (Wed after school program) as well as our break camps and youth events at: Our Camp Website Link: OR Our Camp Website Link:
OTHER CAMP INFO: SAMBICA, (the Sammamish Bible Camp Association, historically) began as a youth Bible Conference in 1919. Founded by members of the Swedish Tabernacle Church, SAMBICA is now a not-for-profit, non-denominational Christian camp and event center.
Over the last 98 years, SAMBICA has worked hard to achieve the current level of high quality programs that benefit our campers and the surrounding community. SAMBICA is no longer a remote camp nestled in the woods; it is now immersed in suburbia. SAMBICA’s 30+ buildings are spread over 9 acres on the shores of Lake Sammamish in Bellevue, Washington.
Today, SAMBICA offers youth summer camps and retreat ministries. SAMBICA provides both overnight camps, day camps, and a high school leadership program (ELITE) during the summer months. Approximately 120 staff members are hired each summer to run the camp operations in roles such as counselors, lifeguards, boat drivers, and kitchen staff. Over 2,300 children attend SAMBICA’s summer programs each year.
Get up-to-date information on sessions, dates and fees at: Our Camp Website Link:
We hire approximately 120 summer team members each year. For up-to-date openings visit: Our Camp Website Link:
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Visit Our Salish Sea Sciences Website
360 622-9883
505 Spring Street
Friday Harbor, Washington 98250
P.O. Box 326
Friday Harbor, WA 98250
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Salish Sea Sciences offers 26-day and 14-day immersive adventures for motivated students ages 14-18. In partnership with the University of Washington Friday Harbor Laboratories and a host of local scientific and cultural organizations, students learn what it takes to be effective collaborators with working professionals, including extended maritime expeditions exploring the San Juan Islands and the great inland ocean called the Salish Sea.
Wilderness/Nature, Adventure, Music/Band, Science, Computers, Math, Technology, and more. Participation In Ongoing Scientific Field & Lab Research Projects, Audio Field Recordings & Music Production, & Scientific Diving.
CAMP LOCATION: We are located 70 miles north of Seattle, WA in the town of Friday Harbor the beautiful San Juan Islands.
▌Read More about Salish Sea Sciences
CAMP FACILITIES: We have a large, green campus in town with new dormitory with full kitchen and dining facilities. We are affiliated with the University of Washington Friday Harbor Laboratories, located on a 484-acre biological preserve.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Salish Sea Sciences: Field & Lab Science is a 26-day residential program in marine science and maritime ecology operated in conjunction with the University of Washington Friday Harbor Laboratories, the SeaDoc Society, the US National Parks Service, and Northwest Maritime Center. Activities include interactions with scientists, data-collection on the FH Labs' research vessel Centennial, a 5-day/4-night longboat voyage, and exposure to an array of research disciplines, projects, methodologies, and data sets in a variety of island habitats and lab settings. A typical day might include data collection with FH Labs or US National Parks investigators and lessons in scientific drawing and data analysis. Most evenings, contributing scientists and participants come together for conversation and presentations over a home-cooked dinner.
Starting this summer, Salish Seas Sciences will offer a 14-day scientific diving course designed specifically for high school divers who already have their recreational certification. Upon completion of all requirements, students will be certified as an American Academy of Underwater Sciences (AAUS) Scientific Diver and can receive Verification of Training at their present and future institutions. Diving course students will reside with a cohort of Salish Sea Sciences students, investigators, and instructors participating in related programs.
cology & Conservation is an intensive two-week immersion into environmental science, marine ecology, and conservation operated in conjunction with the University of Washington Friday Harbor Laboratories, the SeaDoc Society, the US National Parks Service, Friends of the San Juans, SMU Consulting/University of St. Andrews, Kaigani Voyaging/Wayfinders, and the Whale Museum.
Ecology & Conservation is an intensive two-week immersion into environmental science, marine ecology, and conservation operated in conjunction with the University of Washington Friday Harbor Laboratories, the SeaDoc Society, the US National Parks Service, Friends of the San Juans, SMU Consulting/University of St. Andrews, Kaigani Voyaging/Wayfinders, and the Whale Museum.
CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Limited sponsorships may be available; please contact us to learn more.
FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): End of session picnic July 17th
YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: A semester school is planned for Fall 2020. Please contact us to learn more about this exciting new opportunity for high school juniors. For more information, see Our Camp Website Link:
OTHER CAMP INFO: Students may request a written evaluation, grade, and course description. Ask your high school how to get academic credit for marine field/lab research and leadership skills.
Field & Lab Science
June 21—July 17, $5,900
Our Camp Website Link:
The Acoustic Session
July 19—August 2, $3,900
Our Camp Website Link:
Scientific Diving
July 19—August 2, $3,900
Our Camp Website Link:
Additional fees may apply. Contact us to learn more.
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Salish Sea Sciences
Pacific Harbors Council
4802 South 19th Street
Tacoma, WA 98405
Seattle Service Center
3120 Rainier Avenue South
Post Office Box 440408
Seattle, WA 98114
Girl Scouts of Western Washinton
Seattle Administrative Office
601 Valley Street
Seattle, WA 98109
(800) 767-6845
info [at]
Visit the website for more info.
WASHINGTON WILDERNESS CAMP OWNERS & DIRECTORS: If you would like to submit your camp for listing in our 2025 Best Washington Summer Wilderness Camps Directory, please click on the "SUBMIT YOUR CAMP" link above.
WASHINGTON WILDERNESS CAMP PARENTS & CAMPERS: If you are looking to find info on how to choose the best summer camp to attend this summer, please check out our 2025 GUIDE TO CHOOSING THE BEST SUMMER WILDERNESS CAMP for some great camp research tips and lots of important 2025 summer camp info.
In addition to our 2025 Washington Summer Wilderness Camps Directory we have also created quite a few SPECIAL INTEREST CAMP DIRECTORIES, and have included brief descriptions of these and links to their dedicated websites on the 2025 CAMP GUIDE page.
You can go directly to any of our other 2025 Special Interest Camp Directories from the list in the black bar at the bottom of this page.
Top Ten Reasons to Attend Wilderness Camp
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