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Many of our Virginia Wilderness Camps offer Winter Wilderness Programs, Activities, Workshops & Classes starting in February, 2025.
Be sure to check the "Year-Round Programs and Other Camp Info" headings of each camp listing for specifics, or give any Wilderness Camp you're interested in a call to check on Winter dates, times and availability.
Many of our Wilderness Camps will be hosting Winter Reunions for their previous campers, and Winter Open Houses for interested new campers and families. Each camp is different, and some offer activities for the entire family.
Contact the camp(s) directly to see if there are any Camp Reunion or Open House Plans for February, 2025.
Looking for a Great Virginia Wilderness Day Camp? Look at each camp's TYPE OF CAMP description. Many of our Best Virginia Day Wilderness Camps also list their exact hours, and if they offer before and after camp activities.
Many of our Best Virginia Summer Wilderness Camps also offer Year Round Wilderness Camp Programs, Classes, and Activities. You should contact the camps you are interested in to see if they offer Fall, Winter and/or Spring Wilderness Programs, too.
Searching for Virginia Wilderness Camp Jobs? Many of our Best Wilderness Camps are now listing their 2025 Winter Camp Jobs, too. Look for the heading "Summer Camp Jobs" in each camp listing. You can also check any camp's website for their "Work at Camp" or "Winter Employment Opportunities" pages.
View ALL VA Camps with Winter Work & Leadership Training Opportunities.
Visit Our Caroline Furnace Lutheran Camp & Retreat Center Website
(540) 449-0012
2239 Camp Roosevelt Road
Fort Valley, Virginia 22652
Watch Our Caroline Furnace Lutheran Camp & Retreat Center Video
CAMPER AGES: rising 1st to 12th grade
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. two night sessions for Buddies in Christ/Special Needs Camp
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
AFFILIATION(S): Christian. Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Caroline Furnace Lutheran Camp & Retreat Center sits on 257 acres in the Shenandoah Valley. We offer eight weeks of Summer Camp to rising 1st through 12th graders. Campers experience daily worship and Bible study, plus a large range of activities. Campers can expect a week packed with fun! They'll get to swim, canoe, fish, creek walk, play small and large group games, challenge themselves on our low ropes course, hike, cook over a campfire, create crafts, learn archery, gain culinary skills, and explore the furnace ruins on camp property. Each week, Chaplains from supporting congregations join us in leading the campers in morning worship, Bible study, and campfire and evening devotion. Caroline Furnace combines small and large group -style camping in an outdoor, faith-filled setting, all to create an unforgettable summer camp experience for your camper.
SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: Come experience camp together! Buddies in Christ camp is June 30-July 2 and July 2-4, and is designed for campers rising 1st to 12th grade who may not be able to come to camp on their own. We recognize that traditional summer camp has inherent demands that can make it difficult for campers with special needs - to include a busy schedule, high levels of activity, and uneven terrain. For Special Needs Camp, we work with each family to meet the needs of each individual.
Each camper comes for two nights with at least one parent. Buddies in Christ Camp is based in the Cabin Village. Group size is intentionally small (15 campers per session) to maximize individualized attention. Every camper has a high school or college aged "buddy" to guide them throughout the day. Parents are given optional free time on the second day of camp (July 1 or July 3, depending on session), and we will have parent activities and local business discounts available.
All camper activities are challenge by choice and include campfires, canoeing, fishing, swimming, yoga and play-based worship. Camp concludes with an optional family outing on the third day. The entire schedule is adapted to allow for longer transition times, flexibility, and more down time.
We feel it is important to discuss the realities of camp with each family, and what we can do to help each camper. The Cabin Village is wheelchair accessible, with two wheelchair accessible Cabins and accessibility to all common areas. There will most likely be two or three families per Cabin. The Cabins do not have air conditioning but we provide fans. The Cabin Village is wooded and nearly all activities will be accessed via trails. It can be humid and buggy during the day in the summer, with cool, dark nights.
Wilderness/Nature, Waterfront/Aquatics, Adventure, Horses/Equestrian, Travel, Fine Arts/Crafts, Music/Band, Theater, Team Sports, Academics, and more. Canoeing, Fishing, Archery, Hiking, Culinary, History, Caving, Rock Climbing,
CAMP LOCATION: Serving the community since 1957, we sit on 257 acres in the Shenandoah Valley and are situated northwest of Washington DC. We are supported by three local Synods of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA) - Virginia, Metro DC, and West Virginia-Western Maryland. Our mission is to provide unforgettable faith, education and renewal experiences in God’s creation for all God’s people.
▌Read More about Caroline Furnace Lutheran Camp & Retreat Center
CAMP FACILITIES: Our Cabin Village has eight modern-rustic cabins that sleep a total of 100, with an adjacent dining hall, large modern bathhouse, and modern air-conditioned/heated meeting facility. Our Sukkah Village sleeps up to 48 in 6 Sukkahs. Sukkahs are roofed platforms with screened half-walls and 8 beds each. We have a low ropes course, a 5 acre lake for swimming, canoeing and fishing, a prayer labyrinth, an extensive trail system, 8 large group fire circles, National Forest access, and incredible stargazing.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Serving the community since 1957, our mission is to provide unforgettable faith, education and renewal experiences in God’s creation for all God’s people. As a separate non-profit incorporated entity of the ELCA we provide opportunities to a wide variety of public and private schools, churches, non-profit organizations, and government agencies. We partner with local businesses and organizations to provide valuable services that develop current and future leaders for our community and the world.
Caroline Furnace Lutheran Camp & Retreat Center has a small year-round staff of 3 full time and 4 part time/seasonal full time. We hire 15-20 counselors for our Summer Camp program. All are certified in First Aid and CPR, with additional opportunities for Wilderness First Aid, Lifeguard, American Canoe Association Instructor, Archery Instructor, ServSafe Food Handler/Manager, Leave No Trace Trainer, and more.
CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Do you dream of serving on the Caroline Furnace staff or becoming a stronger leader in your community? Our LITs are challenged to grow in their faith and leadership, and are equipped with skills and tools to continue learning and growing after camp is over. LITs are chosen for their faith maturity, desire to become a better leader, and motivated personality.
During your LIT! training week (Part One), you will develop skills, awareness and experience that will put you into action as a quality leader and team member. Throughout your training week, you will study and practice the art of leading others with the help of our Leadership Team. Following successful completion of your first week, you may choose a second week (Part Two) to return to camp and co-lead a cabin under the leadership of one of our counselors. Part Two weeks are offered weeks three through seven of summer camp.
Our Leaders In Training program is application based. Learn more at Our Camp Website Link:
CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: At Caroline Furnace Lutheran Camp & Retreat Center, scholarships are determined on a case-by-case basis. About 30% of our campers come on partial or full scholarship or sponsorship. Contact us for more information at Our Camp Website Link:
FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): We offer one week of Family Camp with a half-week or full-week option, as well as a Family Camp Out-Trip - an overnight canoeing trip on the Shenandoah River. Out-Trip participants must be potty-trained and able to sleep in a tent at a primitive site (composting toilets available).
YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Caroline Furnace Lutheran Camp & Retreat Center is a year-round retreat center and summer camp. Our main property is in Fort Valley VA and we also operate an adult retreat center in Strasburg VA. We are busy year round with rental groups and planned programming in faith, education, and renewal - youth retreats, campus ministries, men’s and women’s groups, school groups, conference meetings, scouting trips, family reunions, and special events. Our group minimum is 10, and we can accommodate large groups of 200+. For eight weeks of the year Caroline Furnace is filled with the excitement of Summer Camp, available for rising 1st to 12th grade campers.
Please see Our Camp Website Link: for more information.
Summer Staff positions at Caroline Furnace Lutheran Camp & Retreat Center - You'll be signing up for two weeks of staff training and eight weeks of varied outdoor adventure - May 31 to August 9. There are opportunities for select applicants to begin a couple weeks early and stay a week or two later.
You can expect a new adventure each week, to gain new skills and experiences, and to make friendships that will last a lifetime.
Do you have what it takes to be a Camp Counselor? You'll need an endless supply of energy, love, enthusiasm, patience, and kindness. You must be able to share your faith story and encourage young people to grow in their own relationship with Jesus Christ. You must embrace the adventure of the outdoors and work well in a team. You must be willing to unplug from technology and focus on your relationship with God, nature, and the people around you.
Academic Internships are available. Pay is based on experience and certifications. Contact us for more information or apply online at Our Camp Website Link:
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Caroline Furnace Lutheran Camp and Retreat Center
Be sure to ask each Virginia Wilderness Camp about the amount of wilderness instruction and the overall intensity of their wilderness program.
Some Top Virginia Wilderness Camps offer rigorous daily wilderness training and lots of intensive wilderness experience. Other great Virginia Camps offer wilderness and nature studies as an elective or recreational activity with much less training and intensity.
Visit Our Virginia Bible Camp Website
4896 Armentrout Path
Keezletown, Virginia 22832
13101 Fox Shadow Ln
Clifton, VA 20124
CAMPER AGES: 8-18 and graduating seniors
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. July 2nd-8th, 2017 Camp begins at 3:00 pm. Camp ends at 10:00 am.
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
AFFILIATION(S): Christian. Non-denominational bible camp.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Virginia Bible Camp is a week long residential youth camp for ages 8-18 and graduating seniors. At camp, campers will participate in daily bible studies, devotions, and evening campfires. Recreational activities include swimming, paddle boating, canoeing, High Ropes Challenge Course, and a tubing adventure on the Shenandoah River. Every year a theme is chosen. Campers participate in sports, team games and competitions. The highlight of the week is our "Friday Night Live" and "VBC's Got Talent" Show.
SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: VBC will attempt to make accommodations if possible.
Waterfront/Aquatics, Adventure, Swimming, Basketball, Team Sports, and more. Aerial Zipline, Paddle Boating, Canoeing, & Tubing On The Shenandoah River
CAMP LOCATION: Virginia Bible Camp rents the facilities at Brethren Woods Camp and Retreat Center in Keezletown, VA. Brethren Woods encompasses 135 beautiful acres of beautiful woodlands and rolling hills adjoining George Washington National Forest, 12 miles northeast of Harrisonburg in the Shenandoah Valley. Please visit our website for our exciting photos!
▌Read More about Virginia Bible Camp
CAMP FACILITIES: "We have modern cabins, some with air conditioning, an outdoor pool, recreation/dining hall, outdoor basketball courts, indoor meeting lodge, and a pristine lake for paddle boating and swimming. Brethren Woods is an American Camp Association accredited camp, holding them to the highest standard of quality.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Virginia Bible Camp is run by a group of local Christian volunteers, comprised of parents and counselors (mostly college students or recent graduates) who are dedicated to the spiritual growth and development of our campers. In 2006, the current camps administrators began operating another camp as part of a larger camp organization. Since 2016, we are no longer affiliated with that organization and are now operating as an independent, non-denominational camp, overseen by members of the church of Christ.
CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Our Counselor-in-Training program allows our campers to return as counselors once they reach the age limitation as campers. CIT is open to high school juniors and seniors.
CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Financial aid is offered on an individual basis according to need. Preference is given to lower income families whenever possible.
YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: We offer a fall retreat called Virginia Bible Retreat and a Spring picnic called Virginia Bible Camp Picnic. Please call for more info on these programs.
Camp is one week per summer. This year camp runs July 2nd to 8th, 2017.
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Virginia Bible Camp
Some Virginia Wilderness Camps offer BOTH Day and Overnight Camp options. Be sure to check each camp's description under "TYPE OF CAMP" for complete information, and exact hours.
Some Virginia Wilderness Day Camps also offer Extended Camp Hours for Early Camper Drop-Off and Pick Up. If you need these services, you should contact the camp to confirm availability.
Visit Our Camp Carysbrook Website
3500 Camp Carysbrook Rd.
Riner, VA 24149
Watch Our Camp Carysbrook Video
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.
CAMPER GENDER(S): All Girl Campers.
Wilderness/Nature, Waterfront/Aquatics, Adventure, Horses/Equestrian, Fine Arts/Crafts, Dance, Music/Band, Theater, Swimming, Soccer, Tennis, Team Sports, and more. Horseback Riding, Archery, Fencing, Caving, & Rock Climbing.
CAMP LOCATION: Located in the New River Valley just south of Roanoke, Virginia, Camp Carysbrook for Girls is a traditional overnight camp for girls celebrating our 91st summer in 2014. Please visit our website for more information and a video taking you through a day at Carysbrook.
▌Read More about Camp Carysbrook
CAMP FACILITIES: We at Camp Carysbrook have proudly and deliberately kept our facilities rustic and simple. Girls live in cabins located near the bathhouse. There is a centrally located dining hall for family style meals. Activities make use of the beautiful landscape including a lake for swimming, canoeing and nature study as well as the Little River for canoeing and tubing trips.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Camp Carysbrook is accredited by the ACA and offers a variety of activities including but not limited to English horseback riding, swimming, caving, rock climbing, rappelling, hiking, canoeing, archery, riflery, canoeing, fencing, arts & crafts, drama, dance, music, tennis, tumbling, synchronized swimming, team sports, recreational sports as well as nature study and ecology. Please see our website for more info.
OTHER CAMP INFO: Because summer is about a simpler way of life... Step outside. Adventures await. Horseback riding, archery, canoeing... Unplug. Slow Down. Relax. Count the stars. Try something you always dreamed of or never imagined. Discover your own resilience. Build lifelong friendships. Make this a summer to remember. Camp Carysbrook since 1923.
Carysbrook offers a range of sessions from 1-7 weeks. For updated session and payment information, please check our website: Our Camp Website Link:
Camp Carysbrook for Girls is hiring staff for the upcoming summer. If you are a female age 17+ with experience in the activities we offer and a passion for working with girls and empowering them with life skills for the future, please check the jobs posted on our website for the opportunity to make a real difference in the life of young girls while enjoying the best summer of your life.
Please visit Our Camp Website Link: or contact the office at info[AT]
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Camp Carysbrook
Visit Our Summit Camp & Travel Website
(973) 732-3230, (570) 253-4381
168 Duck Harbor Road
Honesdale, Pennsylvania 18341
Weekend Programs in NY, NJ, CT, (NY Metro), DC, VA, (DC Metro Area), PA
322 Route 46 West Suite 210 Parsippany, NJ 07054
Watch Our Summit Camp & Travel Video
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Summer, Weekender, Teen Travel
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
AFFILIATION(S): Our dining facilities are Kosher. We are accepting of all faiths. Summit is an ACA accredited program.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Summit Camp & Travel is an awesome experience for our kids to enjoy camp, teen travel, and weekend retreats in a supportive environment that 'gets' them. Our kids march to the beat of their own drum, and when those drums come together, they create what we call "The Magic on the Hill"!
SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: Summit Camp & Travel provides traditional recreational programs for youth aged 8-19 years with needs such as AD/HD, Asperger's/HFA, learning differences, and/or mild emotional challenges.
Wilderness/Nature, Waterfront/Aquatics, Adventure, Horses/Equestrian, Travel, Fine Arts/Crafts, Dance, Music/Band, Theater, Musical Theater, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Swimming, Volleyball, Gymnastics, Soccer, Tennis, Weightloss, Basketball, Baseball, Martial Arts, Football, Team Sports, Science, Academics, Computers, Math, Technology, and more. Trampolining, Nature Program/Small Farm/Gardening, Swim Instruction, "Glee" Choir & Dance Program, Independence (Executive Function/ Independent Living Skills) Course, Tribes Social Skills Program, Banana Boating, Activities In Daily Living (Cooking, Budgeting, Etc), Jewelry Making, Ceramics, Woodshop, Karate/Martial Arts, GAGA, Go-Karting, & Archery.
CAMP LOCATION: Summit is located approximately 3 hours from New York City in the far Northeast corner of Pennsylvania (45 miles northeast of Scranton, PA), in the lovely rural setting of Honesdale, Pennsylvania.
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CAMP FACILITIES: Summit has approx. 30 traditional wooden cabins with electric and private facilities in each cabin. Our main buildings include our newly refinished dining hall, air-conditioned recreational hall, our medical facility, and a newly built outdoor pavilion. Summit utilizes three A frame buildings for our arts programs, a wilderness treehouse with camp fire area for cookouts, newly resurfaced basketball/tennis courts, high/low ropes course with climbing wall, heated pool, private lake, nature fields with a farm area, martial arts dojo, go-kart track with 3 karts. Summit has a small amphitheatre adjacent to our lake, with a miraculous view of our beautiful setting where we enjoy swimming, canoeing, and riding our banana boats. Our camp resides on a gently rising hillside, thus providing us with the physical basis for our motto, "The Magic on the Hill."
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Summit Camp is a co-ed sleepaway camp for ages 8-19 years with issues of attention: AD/HD, HFA/Asperger’s Disorder, and/or learning differences. Using the frame of a traditional sleepaway camp, we create platforms of success where our campers can experience outcomes such as improved self-esteem, lasting friendships, and increased independence. This is accomplished through a well-orchestrated and expertly staffed backdrop to a largely traditional camp experience- guided challenges, waterfront, adventure course, and more. It is our goal and desire to take our campers from observing peer interactions to engaging in them, to learn and celebrate their own strengths and successes, and to feel a sense of belonging and shared community with those around them while they are with us.
Our Teen Travel program extends the Summit community to provide a safe yet exciting adventure to one of our many attractive national and international destination tours offering 14 day and 19 day excursions. Summit Weekenders provide a youth-group style social retreat for adolescents to have an oasis of independence, enjoyment, and success during the school year months. Regardless of the specific program, Summit provides an expertly staffed, highly structured, and truly fun experience for our youth, and has been doing so since 1969. Summit is accredited by the American Camp Association and takes pride in our long term commitment to and successes in working with special needs youth.
CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Our Transitions to Adult Living Skills program for youth aged 15-19 provides learning and vocational opportunities for our teens. We also have vocational programs for upper camp including, big brother/big sister, waiter/waitressing, working in a specialty area or as UL assistant, photography, and more. Our SUPER TEEN program focuses on building the executive function and daily living skills OUR kids needs to succeed as independently as possible.
YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Summit provides weekender programs in metropolitan areas throughout the country which run from Friday evening until Sunday mid-day that provide an oasis of social involvement for our youth. NY/NJ and DC/VA weekenders meet on a monthly basis.
OTHER CAMP INFO: Summit has the following resident summer staff in addition to our dual layer of counselors and specialists. • Team of senior directorship including a Master's of Education, licensed social worker, counseling psychologist, and school psychologist. • On site Physician and group of RN's for excellent medication management and treatment on site. • Head counselor who has been a proud member of the Summit community since 1983. We pride ourselves on our ongoing support and training of our staff and our phenomenal return rate of excellent seasonal staff who help us orchestrate and bring the magic to our youth year after year.
Ongoing information can be found on our website at: Our Camp Website Link:
Travel Tours 2018: Southeast Theme Parks; San Francisco and Hawaii; Disney Alaskan Cruise
We would love to hear from interested applicants! We are looking for staff 20+ years of age. Counselors have prior experience working with our populations and are looking for a unique opportunity to develop skills and experience in the best setting, with the best supervision, available!
Our specialty teams include waterfront, arts, performing arts, adventure, nature, science, computers, athletics, and go-karting.
We are looking for specialty teachers that have experience leading youth and instructing others in their given area.
Please contact Leah Love, MS, leahl[AT], with interest in working for us. You may have never considered a special needs camp program- but let us show you why working for us may be the summer of a lifetime!
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Summit Camp and Travel
Visit Our Camp Tall Timbers Website
1115 Reflection Lane
High View, WV 26808
West Virginia. Just 5 miles from VA
3735 Spicebush Drive
Urbana, MD 21704
Watch Our Camp Tall Timbers Video
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: At Camp Tall Timbers, we’ve been serving up fun and rewarding camp experiences every summer for almost 50 years. Located in the beautiful foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Our camp offers a wide variety of entertaining, engaging, and inspiring activities for boys and girls from ages 7 to 16. Our camp experience promotes independence, decision-making, socialization, skill building, confidence, creativity, and self-discovery in a safe, nurturing environment. Campers are encouraged to be themselves, try something new, unplug and have fun! We know what parents expect and what kids enjoy.
Wilderness/Nature, Waterfront/Aquatics, Adventure, Horses/Equestrian, Fine Arts/Crafts, Dance, Music/Band, Theater, Swimming, Volleyball, Gymnastics, Soccer, Tennis, Golf, Basketball, Baseball, Martial Arts, Football, Team Sports, and more. Frisbee Golf Course, Paddle Boarding, Tubing Behind Jetski, Private Lake Activities
CAMP LOCATION: Camp Tall Timbers is situated on 120 privately owned acres in the Blue Ridge Mountains of 15 miles west of Winchester, VA and serves children aged 7 to 16.
▌Read More about Camp Tall Timbers
CAMP FACILITIES: New for 2019 - Aerial Adventure Course!!
Lake & pool on site, challenge course, climbing wall, 360 ft zip wire, horseback riding, gymnasium, rec/dance hall, art shack, driving range, putting green, base ball diamond, 3 newly re-turfed full size soccer fields, tennis, hockey, basketball courts, frisbee golf course, riflery & archery range, modern cabins - bathrooms inside. Photos at Our Camp Website Link:
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Camp Tall Timbers is proud to be accredited by the American Camp Association, which has 50 years of trust behind it. To earn accreditation, we undergo a thorough review of our operations, from staff qualifications and training, to emergency management. There are more than 300 standards in all! Camp Tall Timbers and the ACA have a partnership that promotes individual growth and fun in an environment committed to safety. In addition, we take extra steps to seek counsel from the American Academy of Pediatrics, The American Red Cross, and others, to ensure quality and safety.
We are rated one of the 50 most amazing summer camps in the U.S. by Early Childhood Education Zone and by Top Education We have also earned top ratings in Bethesda Magazine’s Best Overnight Camps issue.
FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): Family Weekend: Our Camp Website Link:
RATES & DATES: Our Camp Website Link:
Camp Tall Timbers has a 4 -1 ratio of campers to staff.
Each summer much of our staff is made up of returning employees or former campers who are now in college.
The entire team at Camp Tall Timbers is a wonderful mix of teachers, coaches and college students. Each staff member is carefully selected for their teaching expertise in a given activity area, their personality, as well as their interest in working with children.
All staff members report to camp several days ahead of our campers so that they may go through our Counselor Institute. At Counselor Institute we thoroughly review daily responsibilities, situations that may arise, expectations for staff conduct and emergency procedures. Additionally, by the time our campers arrive, our staff has reviewed all the information about their individually assigned campers as provided by their parents. This is one more way we strive to ensure a safe, fun and personalized camp experience.
Apply at Our Camp Website Link:
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Camp Tall Timbers
Visit Our Summer Adventure Program Website
30461 Garnand Drive
Emory, Virginia 24327
Emory & Henry College
Summer Adventure Program
ATTN: Jim Harrision
P.O. Box 947,
Emory, VA 24327
Watch Our Summer Adventure Program Video
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. June 11 - July 7, 2016
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
AFFILIATION(S): Christian. Outdoor Program at Emory & Henry College
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Emory & Henry College offers the Summer Adventure Program which extends the College’s popular outdoor experiences to high school students, engaging adventures on the area’s lakes, rivers, cliffs and trails during four week-long camps. Ultimately, participants will experience the freedom and wonder of the beautiful and ancient Appalachian Mountains – all while building backcountry expertise, self-confidence and independence.
SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: Medical Form required with application, to be filled out and signed off by participant's doctor. This is required because we cannot go out into the field not knowing, for example, if someone is allergic to bee stings.
Wilderness/Nature, Adventure, Travel, Team Sports, and more. Hiking & Backpacking Camp (June 11-16 & July 2-7, 2016)
Whitewater Kayaking, Rafting, & Stand-Up Paddle Boarding (June 18-23, 2016)
Rock Climbing & Bouldering (June 25-30, 2016)
CAMP LOCATION: Located northeast of the Tri-Cities (Bristol TN/VA, Johnson City, TN, and Kingsport, TN) and approximately 42 miles northeast of Tri-Cities Regional Airport (TRI), nested in the heart of the rugged, ancient, and beautiful Appalachia Mountains of Southwestern Virginia. Visit our website for more details and to apply.
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CAMP FACILITIES: Participants will have the benefit of Emory & Henry College campus as basecamp for outdoor excursions—which includes a gym, swimming pool, climbing wall, and many other amenities. When not on campus, we'll be in the surrounding backcountry exploring the free natural wonders that southwestern Virginia has to offer.
Visit Our Camp Website Link: for complete information, pictures, videos and application. 4 consecutive week-long camps to choose from. Participants can choose one or more camps to attend:
Hiking & Backpacking Camp (June 11-16 and July 2-7, 2016)
Whitewater Kayaking, Rafting, and Stand-Up Paddle Boarding (June 18-23, 2016)
Rock Climbing & Bouldering (June 25-30, 2016)
* Cost is $750/per camp.
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Summer Adventure Program
Visit Our The Road Less Traveled Website
2331 N Elston Court
Chicago, Illinois 60614
Tanzania, Thailand, Vietnam, Costa Rica, Iceland, Norway, Azores, British Columbia, Colorado, Florida, Hawaii, Michigan, Maine, Tennessee, Virginia, Wyoming, New Zealand, Ecuador and the Galapagos.
See listed above - primary address
Watch Our The Road Less Traveled Video
CAMPER AGES: 11-17 (approximately)
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Two-four week long community service, wilderness adventure, and language/cultural immersion programs, Gap Year and Family Programs.
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: The Road Less Traveled is a life-changing educational travel experience - an extraordinary opportunity to join with others, explore humanity, and build deep relationships and an appreciation for our world’s vast adventurous scenery. RLT offers domestic and international community service, language, and multi-sport adventure travel programs all over the world. We engage in the service of presence and active listening. We support young people to get outside, seek adventure, experience challenge, make new friends, build community, and understand the world in a new way. We encourage involvement, cultivate leadership and sensitivity, develop personal initiative and communal participation skills, and inspire a sense of social activism and environmentalism.
Wilderness/Nature, Waterfront/Aquatics, Adventure, Travel, Academics, and more. PADI Scuba Diving, White-water Rafting, Rock-climbing, Hiking, Backpacking, Safari, Camping, Zip-lining, Surfing, Snorkeling, Marine Biology Paddle Boarding, Kayaking, Organic Farming, Teaching English, Cooking Classes, Yoga Classes, Animal Conservation, Music Classes, Art Classes, Black History Education, Cultural Immersion, Community Service
CAMP LOCATION: Our year-round office is located in the heart of Chicago, in the Lincoln Park neighborhood. Our trips are run in a multitude of domestic and international locations. Our staff training is held every year in the Midwest, several weeks before trips are scheduled to depart.
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CAMP FACILITIES: Facilities and accommodations vary from trip to trip.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: The Road Less Traveled as an organization was founded by Jim and Donna Stein in 1991, and has been successfully running safe, exciting, life-changing trips for teens ever since. Both Jim and Donna are still the current directors, and are integrally involved in every single aspect of the company. In the summer, they are on call 24/7, available both to parents as well as to our leaders in the field.
We are an ACA accredited organization with an impeccable track record. We believe in the process of accreditation. It allows us to compare our standards to other professionals in the industry. Our accreditation allows us to follow specific standards related to leader screening including use of application forms, reference checks, personal interviews, work history review, and background checks.
Many years ago, we were the first company serving young adults to require that all leaders have a Wilderness First Responder (WFR) medical certification. WFR training is far more advanced than standard first aid or wilderness first aid. In addition to this certification, we carry extensive first aid kits on all of our programs that include antibiotics and epinephrine. Contents, protocols, and standing orders are reviewed and updated every year by our Medical Director who is an MD.
Since our inception, RLT has been on the cutting edge of technological advances in communication. We began carrying Iridium satellite phones on all of our programs as soon as they were available. Today we continue to carry the latest in emergency communication systems. According to geographic location, programs are equipped with satellite phones, ground-to-air radios, and/or cellular phones providing the possibility of 24-hour access to medical help in case of emergency.
CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: We offer many need-based scholarships and financial aid packages. Visit Geography of Hope's website to learn more: Our Camp Website Link:
FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): We offer Gap Year, custom trips as well as family programs in the winter, spring, and at the end of the summer. Please contact us at 773-342-5200 with any questions.
OTHER CAMP INFO: Flights, travel arrangements, and other trip-specific information is available on our website.
Visit our Program Chart to see all trips, dates, and prices: Our Camp Website Link:
Trip Leader/Co-Leader
Travel domestically and/or internationally with a group of high-school and/or middle-school students, monitoring and facilitating community service, language/cultural immersion, and/or wilderness adventure trips
Minimum Qualifications
• Minimum of 21 years of age
• Minimum of a bachelor's degree or in the process of completing a degree. Equivalent experience working with teenagers in related field will be considered if not currently enrolled in school
• Experience Previous program leader experience working with and or teaching young people age ranging in age between 12-19. Knowledge of and experience with group dynamics, teaching or facilitating groups, supervision of meal planning, food preparation and cooking, managing logistics. Ability to teach program specific skills, environmental awareness, and related scientific, cultural, and historical knowledge pertaining to the regions through which you will travel and their relationship to each other.
• Strong Physical Condition
• Current CPR for the professional rescuer
• Current Wilderness First Responder, WEMT or EMT certification
• Current Red Cross lifeguard or Swiftwater rescue certifications preferred but not mandatory
• Current unrestricted valid drivers license with no major convictions during the previous three year period; driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, reckless driving, hit and run, homicide or assault with a motor vehicle, drag racing, operating a motor vehicle without the owner's consent, license suspended or revoked within the previous three year period for accidents and or moving violations. Driving record should reflect no more than three moving violations and/or chargeable accidents during the previous three years
• For Adventure Programs: Knowledge of three or more wilderness travel methods. Whitewater rafting, sea kayaking, international trekking, biking, backpacking, technical rock or ice climbing and mountaineering. Mandatory requirements for adventure trips include: the ability to lead groups of students on backpacking trips of three to eight days, ability to comfortably lead through remote wilderness areas. This includes, but is not limited to, backpacking preparations, backcountry travel, route finding, campsite selection, equipment maintenance, Leave No Trace camping techniques in desert and alpine terrain and proper protocol in dense bear country.
All leaders must possess the ability to make prudent decisions in adverse conditions. International Service Learning and Language Immersion Programs: Leaders and must be highly proficient or fluent in the spoken language of the program country (Spanish, etc.) and have extensive experience with community service, international travel, managing multiple responsibilities abroad, experience and/or living abroad, cultural immersion. Knowledge of the following is helpful but not mandatory: Sea Kayaking, Whitewater Rafting, Trekking, Surfing, and Snorkeling
• International Service learning and Language Exposure Programs: Leaders to have extensive experience with community service, international travel, managing multiple responsibilities abroad, experience and/or living abroad, cultural immersion. Knowledge of the following is helpful but not mandatory: Sea Kayaking, Whitewater Rafting, Trekking, Surfing, Snorkeling
• Service Learning Programs: Leaders to have extensive experience with community service, experience managing multiple responsibilities, construction experience preferred. Knowledge of the following is helpful but not mandatory: Sea Kayaking, Whitewater Rafting, Rock Climbing, Hiking, PADI Scuba certified
• Ability and experience supervising co-instructors and participants
• Valid Passport
• Ability to drive a standard transmission vehicle
• Ability to communicate and work with teenagers and co-instructors, and provide necessary instruction
• Ability to creatively schedule programs, facilities, and co-instructors
• Ability to observe participant behavior, assess its appropriateness, enforce appropriate safety regulations and emergency procedures, and apply appropriate behavior-management techniques
• Visual and auditory ability to identify and respond to environmental and other hazards related to the activity
• Physical ability to respond appropriately to situations requiring first aid
• Good character, integrity, and adaptability
• Enthusiasm, sense of humor, patience and self -control
• Ability to follow written procedures as outlined in the leader-training manual
• Ability to support program philosophy and implement procedures
• Ability to work long hours
• Ability and experience in facilitating groups
Specific Responsibilities/Job Description
1. Plan, coordinate and execute daily activities and trip logistics
2. Monitor co-instructor and participant assignments for the day
3. Monitor groups and supervise co-instructors' responsibilities
4. Act as a positive role model for participants
5. Responsible for the relationships with general public, people of the land, and subcontractors
6. Monitor ongoing safety and provide education for co-instructor and participants
7. Supervise the health and safety of the participants and environment
8. Together with co-instructor and participant, plan and execute the evening program
9. Identify and address inappropriate behavior with participant or with other co-instructor, for actions that put health and safety of a participant at risk
10. Together with co-instructor, plan and implement evening program as needed
11. Management of financials and accounting including monitoring of expenditures, record keeping, advances, bookkeeping and end of trip summary of information
12. Management of gear, vehicles, inventory, storage, documentation and end of trip summary information
13. Evaluate co-instructor and perform reviews and summer end evaluations
14. Evaluate program and current season and make suggestions for following season
Dates of Employment
June through August seasonally - recommend early application.
Salary is commensurate with experience/certifications/qualifications. Your salary with The Road Less Traveled includes all food, lodging and transportation from the beginning through close of your trip. We also offer pro-deals on outdoor equipment from a variety of well-known manufacturers.
Laura Dunmire-Director
2331 N Elston Court
Chicago, IL 60614
Please visit: Our Camp Website Link:
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The Road Less Traveled
Visit Our Hat Creek Camps & Conferences Website
7141 Hat Creek Rd.
Brookneal, Virginia 24528
Watch Our Hat Creek Camps & Conferences Video
CAMPER AGES: Rising 3rd-12th grades
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp. Family Camp
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
AFFILIATION(S): Christian.
Waterfront/Aquatics, Adventure, Horses/Equestrian, Fine Arts/Crafts, Swimming, and more. We Offer A High & Low Challenge Course Along With A 200 Foot Zip Line & A 35' Climbing Wall. We Also Offer An Aqua Zip As Well As Many Of The Traditional Activities Associated With Camp Such As: Archery, Riflery, Crafts, Horseback Riding, Lakefront Swimming, Canoeing, Hiking, Tubing, Hayrides, The Monsoon Mudpit, & River Walking, Along With Many Other Exciting Opportunities & Experiences.
CAMP LOCATION: We are conveniently located 15 minutes north of Brookneal, VA and about 35 south of Lynchburg. We are only 1 1/2 hours from Danville and Roanoke, 2 hours from Richmond and just 3 hours from Norfolk and Virginia Beach right in the heart of central Virginia located on 343 acres of scenic beauty.
We have a 9 acre and a 2 acre lake with the Little Falling River that encompasses the property to the north and west. Hat Creek is located right on the "Road to the Revolution" with Patrick Henry's summer home and final resting place just 15 minutes away. Please visit our website for more information and directions.
▌Read More about Hat Creek Camps & Conferences
CAMP FACILITIES: From modern amenities to rustic and wilderness settings we are sure to fit your needs. For our campers we have rustic hogans and cabins, pristine Lake Shalom for our waterfront activities, two outdoor amphitheaters, two dining facilities and over 6 miles of groomed trails to discover.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Hat Creek Camps & Conferences offers both traditional overnight (residential) camp, family camp and day camps.
Our staff members are fully trained to include American Red Cross Waterfront Lifeguard Certifications as well as ARC First Aid and CPR. Our Ropes Course Instructors are trained by certified ACCT Instructors and obtain Site Specific Certifications. Our staff go through an extensive two week and three week training course designed to meet the needs of our campers. We have on staff licensed medical personnel as well as LSW and Professional Counselors if needed. The Camp Director has over 18 years in the camping profession and holds the American Camping Association Camp Directors Course Certificate.
Although we serve ALL children and families, our primary mission of Hat Creek Camps and Conferences – A Ministry of Patrick Henry Family Services is to provide disadvantaged children with an opportunity to experience Christian camp, and to act as an identifier of family issues facing our culture today.
One of the the great things about Hat Creek Camps and Conferences is our vision is to glorify Jesus Christ while honoring the traditions and values of Patrick Henry, exemplifying the great virtues of Christianity through the ministries of camping and conferences in a modern context. We desire to be one of the top summer camps in VA, providing team building venues such as our ropes course, rock climbing wall and canoeing. - See more at: Our Camp Website Link:
CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Camp Scholarships are available for those in financial need. Please contact our main office for more information of visit Our Camp Website Link: to download a camp scholarship form.
June 30- July 5, 2014
Daily Programs and Activities for you and your family to choose from like: Swimming, High and Low Ropes Course, 35’ Climbing Wall, Horseback Riding, Field Games, Arts & Crafts, Wilderness Activities and Skills, Archery, Air Rifles, The Monsoon Mud Pit, Camp Fires, Gaga, Beach Volleyball, Hay Rides, The Aqua Zip Line, Fishing and Canoeing and much, much more!
Opportunities for early morning devotions overlooking the lake or to enjoy an evening program with a Guest Speaker who will challenge you and your family in many ways or just sit around the fire and relax.
Enjoy July 4 at Red Hill (The final resting place of Patrick Henry) which will include a pass for your family to see the awesome fireworks show and more.*
You can even select a day at Hat Creek Golf Course.*
You can also enjoy the peace and quiet of hiking six miles of trails and along the Little Falling River during your stay exploring the many areas of solitude and reflection.
Or you can just sit back and relax and enjoy the beautiful surroundings that Hat Creek is blessed to have, all the while meeting new friends and other families.
All meals are included (snacks are not included, but will be available in our camp store).
Price varies with choice of lodging:
Screened In Hogans (Sleeps 7) 4 Available w/bath house $425.00. Winter Hogans (Sleeps 7) 4 Available w/bath house $450.00. Cabins (Sleeps 12) 2 Available w/bath house $475.00. Tree Houses (Sleeps 12-15) 2 Available – No bath house $325.00. Tenting Areas With Bath House $350.00. Retreat Center (2&3 Bed Rooms) Private Rooms/Shared Bath $525.00.
These prices are for a family of four. Additional cost of $25 per person for food and $10 per person per week for lodging. *There is an additional cost for these options. TBD. HCCC will not meet dietary needs; however our food selections are healthy choices and are of the utmost quality. You and your family will enjoy line service and eat in our Dining Hall.
YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: We are a year round facility available for retreats, conferences, family reunions, corporate usage, weddings and any other type of gatherings you can imagine. We are here to serve you.
For complete information please visit Our Camp Website Link: for more information and visit our "camp" side.
We are always looking for qualified staff to come alongside and to help us serve these children. Please visit: Our Camp Website Link: for more information.
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Hat Creek Camps and Conferences
Visit Our Chanco on the James Website
1-888-7CHANCO (888-724-2626)
394 Floods Drive
Spring Grove, VA 23881
Watch Our Chanco on the James Video
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Sessions range from 5-12 nights.
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
Wilderness/Nature, Waterfront/Aquatics, Sailing, Adventure, Fine Arts/Crafts, Music/Band, Swimming, Soccer, Team Sports, and more.
CAMP LOCATION: Chanco on the James is an easy drive from most of eastern, central and southern Virginia. Across the James River from Williamsburg, Chanco lies just an hour from Richmond or Hampton Roads. We are on over 100 acres of woods on the James River. To plan a visit, call 1-888-7CHANCO or visit our website at Our Camp Website Link: for more information.
▌Read More about Chanco on the James
CAMP FACILITIES: 32 cabins; outdoor junior olympic sized swimming pool; recreation/dining hall; outdoor basketball court; volleyball court; GA-GA pit; tether ball; low and high ropes course; zip lines; rustic amphitheater; river for swimming, sailing, canoeing, and kayaking; aquaglide inflatable river slide; archery range.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Chanco offers swimming in our pool and in the James River, high and low elements Ropes Course for team building and challenging oneself, archery, arts and crafts, nature education, canoeing and kayaking, zip lines, sailing, skits, singing and competitions, chaplain program. Through a wonderfully diverse program schedule, the counselors help campers develop self-esteem, a sense of independence, make new friends, learn new skills, and have fun in one of the most beautiful spots in Virginia.
Chanco is ACA (American Camp Association) accredited and earned the distinction of "Best Summer Camp" in eastern Virginia in the May 2012 "Best Of" edition of Virginia Living Magazine. Chanco on the James is a ministry of the Episcopal Diocese of Southern Virginia and welcomes all campers and staff of any race, creed or religion.
CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: CIT program for individuals ages 16-17.
CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Yes, email hospitality[AT] to inquire.
FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): Family Camp offers campers of all ages a chance to attend Camp Chanco together. Come enjoy the beautiful grounds, hearty meals, and delightful community. A sampling of favorite camp activities such as archery, boating, crafts and zip lines will be offered along with daily worship and singing. Choose to stay active all day or simply enjoy the rest, relaxation and quiet time in God’s beautiful creation in the woods along the banks of the James River. Family Camp is a perfect way to spend quality time as a family without the distractions of electronic gadgets and is a very affordable way to get away without the expense of a major vacation.
YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Year-round retreat facilities for youth and adult groups.
OTHER CAMP INFO: We host an open house free of charge to the public each spring. Come meet our Executive Director, staff, take a tour of the property and fly along a zip line if you dare! We hope to see you there! Call 1-888-7CHANCO with any questions. Easy on line registration for Camp Chanco can be found at our website Our Camp Website Link: We also have a Facebook page with plenty of photos and updates at Our Camp Website Link: We hope to see you this summer!
Chanco on the James is a fun and rewarding work environment. A commitment to the summer staff begins with a training week in mid June and extends through mid August. If you feel a summer position at Chanco is good fit for you, apply today.
Download the application and email it to director[AT], fax it to 757-294-0727 or mail it to 394 Floods Dr Spring Grove, Virginia 23881. Preference will be given to applications received before March 15th.
Camp Chanco staff members serve as mentors in counselor and instructor positions. These staff positions are the foundation for the entire camping program. A positive and enthusiastic camp staff is essential for a fun and rewarding camper experience. All staff positions will meet American Camp Association (ACA) standards and include a full professional background check. Camper safety is our number one priority and this goal depends on a diligent and competent staff.
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Chanco on the James
Visit Our Global Youth Village Website
1020 Legacy Drive
Bedford, VA 24523
Watch Our Global Youth Village Video
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Overnight/Residential
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: The Global Youth Village started 37 years ago, with a need and a dream. A group of parents noticed their kids had never met anyone from a different country or culture– something they knew was important for young people growing up in a quickly “globalizing” world. They dreamed of a way to bring together young people from around the world to live and learn alongside one another.
Wilderness/Nature, Adventure, Travel, Fine Arts/Crafts, Dance, Music/Band, Theater, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Swimming, Soccer, Basketball, Team Sports, Science, Academics, and more. International Summer Program, Leadership.
CAMP LOCATION: We are located about four hours south of Washington D.C., 2.5 hours west iof Richmond, VA and two hours north of Raleigh, NC. We are in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains on 50 acres of land with a stream, hiking trails, pond and vegetable gardens. Visit our site to learn more.
▌Read More about Global Youth Village
CAMP FACILITIES: We have 10 cabins, outdoor pool, dining hall, outdoor basketball court, outdoor stage, and a big top tent.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: We offer a unique, practical, hands-on leadership training program that is a blend of dynamic workshops and summer fun activities. Participants from around the world take discussion-based workshops in dialogue/peace building, global issues, environmental action and public health and learn about how they can 'BE the change'. We also offer the opportunity to try new foods, and enjoy traditional summer fun activities like swimming, ping pong, pottery, rock climbing etc. It's so much fun to live and learn with teens from around the world!
CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: We offer a unique, practical, hands-on leadership training program that is a blend of dynamic workshops and summer fun activities.
OTHER CAMP INFO: Please visit Our Camp Website Link: for more information.
2016 Dates
Session One: July 13 - 26
Session Two: July 31 - August 13
More information at Our Camp Website Link:
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Global Youth Village
Visit Our Camp Hanover Website
3163 Parsleys Mill Road
Mechanicsville, VA 23111
CAMPER AGES: 7 to 17 (entering grades 2 through 12)
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. 2 nights, 3 nights, 1 week and 2 week camps.
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
AFFILIATION(S): Christian.
Wilderness/Nature, Waterfront/Aquatics, Sailing, Adventure, Horses/Equestrian, Fine Arts/Crafts, Music/Band, Theater, Swimming, Soccer, Team Sports, and more. Horseback Riding, Sailing, Leadership Training, Parent & Child, Grandparent & Child
CAMP LOCATION: Camp Hanover is a short 30 minute drive northeast from Richmond, VA easily accessible from I-295 and I-64. Situated on nearly 600 acres of forests and fields, with miles of hiking trails and a 14 acre lake, Camp Hanover is a sanctuary of natural beauty that many a wild critter calls home.
CAMP FACILITIES: 600 acres, 40 cabins and longhouses, outdoor swimming pool, dining hall, 14-acre lake with fishing, canoeing, paddle boats, volley ball court, ball field, campfire areas, hiking trails, high ropes course, challenge course, climbing wall, arts and crafts, 4-square, garden, farm animals, platform tent area, and The Mud Slide (a camper favorite!)
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Our programs are designed to foster small group experiences. Two counselors and 10 to 12 coed campers live in "family groups" where they plan, play, laugh, worship and grow together, working to build a Christ-centered community of trust, openness, sharing and forgiveness.
Opportunities abound for making new friends, meeting people from around the world and round the corner, learning and practicing outdoor living skills, developing individual talents and leadership abilities, taking responsibility for and care of God's world, and having barrels of fun.
FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): Family Camp. Parent & Child, Grandparent & Child.
OTHER CAMP INFO: Established in 1957, Camp Hanover has offered residential Christian camp programs for elementary, middle and high school youth for over 55 years as the outdoor ministry of the Presbytery of the James. A fully accredited member of the American Camp Association, Camp Hanover continues to meet or exceed the camping industry's standards for safe operation, employing best practices to maintain a summer camping program of the highest quality.
Visit Our Camp Website Link: for full program details. 2-night, 3-night, 1-week, and 2-week camps are offered weekly beginning June 16 through August 21. Traditional residential camps, as well as offsite adventure trips, horseback camps, music, drama & art camps, sailing camps and Leadership Training camps are offered throughout the summer.
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Camp Hanover
Visit Our TRIPLE C CAMP Website
920 Camp Road
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902
Watch Our TRIPLE C CAMP Video
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Staff are the key to the success at TRIPLE C CAMP! Horse Back Riding, Swimming, Ropes Course, sports, arts and crafts, nature, science, drama, etc. Never boring. Always voted Charlottesville's #1 summer day camp by the local community. Come visit us to see what it is all about. Tours after school and on weekends: fun[AT] or 434.293.2529
Wilderness/Nature, Adventure, Horses/Equestrian, Fine Arts/Crafts, Theater, Musical Theater, Swimming, Soccer, Golf, Weightloss, Basketball, Baseball, Football, Science, and more. Instructional Swim & Recreational Swim.
CAMP LOCATION: We are located 5 miles south of Interstate 64 off Rt. 20 in southern Albemarle County. Charlottesville, VA
▌Read More about TRIPLE C CAMP
CAMP FACILITIES: We have 20 modern builidings as a home base for the children and many programs. Most of our programming is outside and we interact and learn about our environment, how to be a better friend and grow character!
YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Team Building/Ropes Course, Facility Rental, Nature and Science with Green Adventure Project.
Dates and rates at: Our Camp Website Link:
Staff must have at least a year of college to their credit and loads of experience working with children. We have high expectations, however are very fair to our staff family that are the key to the success of the camp.
No better summer job ANYWHERE!
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Visit Our Williamsburg Christian Retreat Center Website
(757) 566-2256
9275 Barnes Road
Toano, Virginia 23168
Call or text after hours when the office is closed -- 757-810-5795
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp.
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
AFFILIATION(S): Christian.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Christian retreat center and overnight summer camp offering conference space, lodging, food, and activities to retreat groups and families.
Wilderness/Nature, Adventure, Travel, Fine Arts/Crafts, Swimming, Volleyball, Gymnastics, Soccer, Tennis, Golf, Basketball, Baseball, Football, Team Sports, Science, Academics, Math, Technology, and more. Archery, Disc Golf
CAMP LOCATION: Located 20 minutes northwest of Colonial Williamsburg in southeastern Virginia
▌Read More about Williamsburg Christian Retreat Center
CAMP FACILITIES: See Our Camp Website Link: for more info
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Williamsburg Christian Retreat Center
Visit Our Farm Camp at Hunt Club Farm Website
2388 London Bridge Road
Virginia Beach, Virginia 23456
TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. Weekdays from 9 AM-5PM
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Learn about life on the farm! Kids ages 6-12 will get hands on experience with horses, donkeys, goats, sheep, pigs, chickens, ducks, geese, llamas, alpacas and rabbits. Campers learn the responsibility of daily feeding, cleaning, grooming and will enjoy horseback-riding experiences, farm games, participate in a pony obstacle courses, a goat rodeo, and more!
Wilderness/Nature, Adventure, Horses/Equestrian, and more.
CAMP LOCATION: A few miles beyond Virginia Beach’s resort area is another landscape the city is known for – farmland – and the family-owned and operated Hunt Club Farm is proud to be part of the area’s rich agricultural history. Hunt Club Farm is a 35-acre family-owned and operated farm that raises chickens, goats and other livestock.
▌Read More about Farm Camp at Hunt Club Farm
Full-day camp tuition is $350 per child per week. There are early registration and multi-session discounts available.
Hunt Club’s Summer Farm Camp requires a $100 per session deposit to reserve your child’s camp week(s).
Please call (757) 427-9520 to check availability for weekly sessions.
Full Day Camps
June, July, & August
Ages 6-12
9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Camp Sessions – Summer 2020
Week 1: June 15 – June 19, 2020
Week 2: June 22 – June 26, 2020
Week 3: June 29 – July 3, 2020
Week 4: July 6 – July 10, 2020
Week 5: July 13 – July 17, 2020
Week 6: July 20 – July 24, 2020
Week 7: July 27 – July 31, 2020
Week 8: August 3 – August 7, 2020
Week 9: August 10 – August 14, 2020
Week 10: August 17 – August 21, 2020
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Farm Camp at Hunt Club Farm
Visit Our Adventure Amputee Camp (AAC) Website
176 Saddleback Lane
Winchester, VA 22602
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. 4 nights
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Adventure Amputee Camp (AAC) is a non-profit organization that offers a traditional overnight camp experience to young amputees ranging from ages 8 to 17. We host a summer camp in North Carolina and a winter camp in Virginia each year.
SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: Adventure Amputee Camp (AAC) is a camp designed for young amputees. Adaptive equipment and special needs are considered for each activity.
Wilderness/Nature, Waterfront/Aquatics, Adventure, Swimming, Tennis, Basketball, Team Sports, and more. White Water Rafting, Climbing, Water Skiing (summer Camp). Skiing, Snowboarding, Tubing, Ice Skating (winter Camp).
CAMP LOCATION: We are nestled along the Nathalaha river approximately 12 miles west of Bryson City. We are on the south side of Great Smoky Mountains National Park and use facilities provided by the Nantahala Outdoor Center. See Our Camp Website Link: and our website Our Camp Website Link: for additional information and photographs.
Our winter camp is located in Wintergreen, Virginia.
▌Read More about Adventure Amputee Camp (AAC)
CAMP FACILITIES: For summer camp, we have approximately 10 cabins, a recreation/dining hall, and access to tennis courts, a river, and a lake.
For winter camp, we have one large cabin in which approximately 10 campers and 5 counselors are housed for the week.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: The History. Established in 1995, Adventure Amputee Camp (AAC) is a non-profit organization that offers a traditional overnight camp experience to young amputees ranging from ages 8 to 17. Campers and volunteers across the Midwest and Southeast travel to participate each year. Held at the Nantahala Outdoor Center in Bryson City, North Carolina, the camp provides space for young amputees to gain confidence and explore their potential in an environment of encouragement and acceptance. The Camp. The activities offered at camp further the objectives by stretching a camper's physical and mental capacities.
AAC offers a spectrum of activities that range from physically and mentally challenging to relaxing and entertaining. Activities such as river rafting, high ropes and waterskiing are physically demanding and introduced to broaden the physical, mental and emotional resources of the camper. Activities such as bowling, crafts, and swimming may be less physically demanding, yet, force campers to cognitively re-assess what is obtainable or imaginable.
Recently, in 2013, we began a winter camp to complement our summer activities and continue to stretch the potential of our campers.
CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: AAC is a low-cost camp that only requires a $25 application fee.
Our next camp will be held in July of 2015. Our next winter camp will be held January of 2015. For additional information, see Our Camp Website Link:
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Adventure Amputee Camp AAC
Visit Our Youth Sailing Virginia, Inc. Website
381 Fenwick Road
Fort Monroe, Virginia 23651
CAMPER AGES: Middle School through Adult
TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. Daily 0830-1630
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
AFFILIATION(S): Youth Centered Community Organizations
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Beginner thru Racing skills taught in two person dinghy sailboats. Learn to sail then learn to race and compete in high school and beyond and/ or recreate in a sailboat on social sailing days.
Wilderness/Nature, Sailing, Swimming, Science, Academics, Math, Technology, and more. Environmental Studies
CAMP LOCATION: We are located at Fort Monroe VA amd sail on the protected waters of Mill Creek.
▌Read More about Youth Sailing Virginia, Inc.
CAMP FACILITIES: We have 18 FJ dinghy sailboats on a beautiful dock ready to launch and sail. With no obstructing buildings surrounding us we get a nice breeze year round for teaching and racing in dinghy sailboats.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: We are a US Sailing Accredited Community Sailing Center. We are also a REACH (US Sailing STEM) Education Center. All of our staff and volunteers are safe sport certified. Our teaching staff are US Sailing Certified Instructors. Our aim is to provide sailing instruction to further Sailing opportunities to all in our Community providing access to the water and honing life skills for our youth and their families.
CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Instructor in Training Classes prepare youth for a career or part time employment as they progress to courses in becoming a Sailing Instructor and leader in our organization or any Sailing and Teaching Venue
CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Write to treasurer[AT] for scholarships,;all information is kept confidential by the scholarship committee.
FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): Family Learn to Sail takes place during three seasons and is a great way to have fun with family while learning a terrific sport
YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: After school programming available for your group or individually. Please write to learntosail[AT]
For fees and dates, please visit
Sailors interested in becoming instructors or coaches. Contact learntosail[AT]
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Youth Sailing Virginia Inc
Visit Our Westview on the James Website
(804) 457-4210
1231 West View Rd.
Goochland, Virginia 23063
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Sunday 3:00pm-Friday 7pm
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
AFFILIATION(S): Christian.
Wilderness/Nature, Waterfront/Aquatics, Sailing, Adventure, Horses/Equestrian, Travel, Fine Arts/Crafts, Swimming, Soccer, Basketball, Team Sports, and more. We Also Offer Archery, Blow Darting, Disc Golf, Low Ropes, High Ropes, A Zipline Into Our Lake, Flag Football, Kickball, Canoeing, Kayaking, Tubing, Ultimate Frisbee, & Fishing. We Also Have The Largest Travel Adventure Program For Teens In Virginia, With A Different Program Every Week. We Use Professional Outfitters With Our Staff To Lead Activities Like Horseback Riding, Paintball, Sailing, Hang Gliding, Surfing, Whitewater Rafting, Wilderness First Aid Instruction, & Many More.
CAMP LOCATION: We have 780 acres located on the James River in Goochland County Virginia, 45 minutes west of Richmond and 1 hour east of Charlottesville off of Interstate 64.
▌Read More about Westview on the James
CAMP FACILITIES: Summer campers sleep in our 12 cabin style buildings called "hogans" equipped with electricity, air conditioning, and bunk beds. A dining hall complex, infirmary (where an RN stays on site all summer), two large open air outdoor shelters, 18 acre lake, 1 mile of river front, outdoor swimming pool, nature hut, amphitheater, fishing dock, 5 acre farm, 3 lodges, a platform tent area, and 9 hole disc golf course are among the other features of our facility.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: The Westview summer camp program has been carefully designed to meet the following goals:
-The appreciation for the Bible and how it affects our daily existence
-The appreciation and love for the outdoors
-The development of knowledge and skills in various camp activities
-The development and improvement of personal skills
-The respect for the property of others, including camp equipment
Westview is proud to be an American Camp Association Accredited camp. Our counselor staff go through a rigorous training schedule of 14 days of certifications and orientation. This philosophy of investing in the people taking care of your children has helped us be named the #1 Favorite Sleep Away Camp by Style Weekly Magazine, Best Summer Camp in the Central Virginia Region by Virginia Living Magazine, and a Summer Residential Camp Family Favorite by CharlottesvilleFamily Magazine.
CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Young adults that are at least 15 years old by January 1st of a given summer can apply to be a junior counselor. These staff work 2-4 weeks over the course of the summer, and participate in staff training to gain experience and skill. Each summer these staff return they are given more responsibility until they turn 18 and are ready to become a full time group counselor.
CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Scholarships are available to families with demonstrated financial need, based on funds available.
YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: All camp facilities are available for rent throughout the year for retreat purposes. Food services and activities led by Westview staff are also available. For more information, please check out our Retreats page at Our Camp Website Link:
6-day, 5-night resident programs from 7-15 year olds: $475
3-day, 2 night resident programs for 6-9 year olds: $235
6-day, 5-night adventure programs for 13-17 year olds:
For full availability information, please visit: Our Camp Website Link:
Individuals at least 18 years old with at least 1 year of college experience are wanted for summer long employment. Full details available at: Our Camp Website Link:
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Westview on the James
Visit Our Teen Treks Website
396 Porter Ave
Buffalo, New York 14201
Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Maryland, Virginia, New Hampshire, New York
Watch Our Teen Treks Video
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Teen Treks gives teenagers the chance to discover the excitement and fun of bike touring with a bunch of like-minded people, seeing beautiful natural landscapes and world-class cities while gaining independence and travel skills.
Teenagers from all 50 states, plus Canada, Europe, and Asia join our trips – and everyone gets a lot of say in what the group does each day, from planning the details of the route to picking out what’s for dinner. If everyone wants to bike hard and get to the beach faster, you can do that. If you want to spend a little more time taking pictures at a breathtaking waterfall or a picturesque waterfront, you can do that.
Wilderness/Nature, Adventure, Travel, and more. Teen Bike Treks
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Teen Treks has been a leader in bike touring summer programs for 18 years. At Teen Treks we offer fun and not competitive biking experiences. Our Moderate rated trips are geared towards first time bicyclists, appropriate for most 14-18 year olds in average or better physical health. Our Easy treks are extremely easy in terms of daily mileage and terrain and will attract slower riders. For our Challenging treks you need to be in good shape and enjoy bicycling. We have had many first time riders do challenging treks and this is for those eager for a challenge.
Any teenager can enjoy one of our summer bike trips. We love a good challenge and we encourage teens to be ambitious, but we keep things fun, too – there’s always time to stop for ice cream, enjoy the scenery, or check out an awesome local restaurant or historical site.
Check our website for the latest trip offerings.
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Teen Treks
Visit Our Nature Quest Summer Camp Website
757-288-9595 (text only)
350 independence Blvd
Virginia Beach, Virginia 23462
TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. Daily 9am-3pm
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
AFFILIATION(S): The Nature Bus
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Hop-on-board The Nature Bus for Nature Quest Summer Camp! We will depart each day from REI in Town Center, Virginia Beach and fill our day with outdoor nature activities and adventures. Activities will include: visits to different outdoor parks and nature preserves, flora and fauna observation and identification, exploring different ecosystems, creating sand sculptures, swimming, nature journaling, watercolor painting, environmental stewardship, paddle boating, nature meditations, eco arts, fun and games, naturalist challenges, and much more!
Wilderness/Nature, Waterfront/Aquatics, Adventure, Science, and more. Hiking, Paddle Boating, Swimming, Nature Journaling, Watercolor Painting, Environmental Stewardship, Meditation, Eco Art, & More!
CAMP LOCATION: We will depart daily on The Nature Bus from REI in Town Center, Virginia Beach. Our bus will take us to different outdoor parks and nature preserves each day!
▌Read More about Nature Quest Summer Camp
CAMP FACILITIES: The Nature Bus is a beautiful air-conditioned and heated vehicle designed to connect people with nature on guided eco tours.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: This camp is led by two certified elementary school teachers. Suzanne is the Owner and Operator of The Nature Bus. In addition to being a Certified Master Naturalist, she is also a Licensed elementary school teacher (Pre-K – 6; Gifted endorsement in the State of Virginia), a Certified Yoga Instructor, a Water Safety Instructor, Wilderness First Aid Certified and she also holds a CDL (Commercial Driver’s License) to operate the bus. Suzanne is also CPR and First Aid Certified by the American Red Cross for Adults and Pediatrics. Stephanie is a Licensed elementary school teacher (Pre-K-6), a Certified Yoga Instructor, and CPR and First Aid Certified by the American Red Cross for Adults and Pediatrics.
AGES: 7-10
TIME: 9 am – 3 pm
PRICE: $250/camper
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Nature Quest Summer Camp
Visit Our Makemie Woods Website
800-566-1496 (office)
3700 Ropers Church Road
Lanexa, Virginia 23089
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 39
Barhamsville, Va 23011
Watch Our Makemie Woods Video
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers. All Boy Campers. All Girl Campers.
AFFILIATION(S): Christian. Makemie Woods is owned and operated by the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America (PCUSA) within the Presbytery of Eastern Virginia.
SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: Camp Jordan for Children with Diabetes:
Camp Jordan is a great adventure featuring traditional camp activities while making friends with other children who understand the challenges of having diabetes. Established in 1966 by the West Central Richmond Optimist Club and Dr. William R. Jordan, Camp Jordan continues to provide a fun and exciting camp experience for children learning to manage their diabetes, with the supervision of trained counselors, nurses and doctors. Financial Assistance available, based on need. Visit our website or call the camp office for program specifics.
Wilderness/Nature, Waterfront/Aquatics, Adventure, Horses/Equestrian, Travel, Fine Arts/Crafts, Music/Band, Theater, Musical Theater, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Swimming, Soccer, Team Sports, Academics, and more.
CAMP LOCATION: Located 40 miles Southeast Richmond, Virginia and 20 miles Northwest Williamsburg, Virginia, on 275 stunning acres, Makemie Woods is perfectly situated for an authentic outdoor experience with all of the necessities of home.
▌Read More about Makemie Woods
CAMP FACILITIES: Through our diverse array of buildings and spaces, we can accommodate up to 130 overnight guests in winterized facilities, and house indoor meetings for up to 160. Your group can take advantage of our great hiking trails, boating on the reservoir, swimming pool, ball-fields, archery range, ziplines and observatory. Or have the whole event outside, at our picnic shelters, family campsites, or outdoor chapel!
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Founded in 1964 by the Presbyterian Church of the United States of America, Makemie Woods teaches essential relationship skills in a radically accepting Christian community. In the context of both traditional overnight camps or high-adventure trip camps, campers discover the joy of making friends that can last a lifetime. Traditional activities include swimming, canoeing, campfires, crafts, Bible study, and other recreation. There are focus camps for music and drama, and high adventure for rafting, rock climbing, caving, and more.
Makemie Woods teaches essential relationship skills in a radically accepting Christian community. In the context of both traditional overnight camps or high-adventure trip camps, campers discover the joy of making friends that can last a lifetime. Traditional activities include swimming, canoeing, archery, zip-lining, campfires, crafts, Bible study, and other recreation. There are focus camps for music and drama, and high adventure for rafting, rock climbing, caving, and more.
Our staff is made up of approximately 30 dedicated, Christ-loving, fun individuals, recruited from the US and from all over the world. Counselors are at least 18 years old and in most cases have finished at least one year of college. Every staff member is certified in first aid and CPR at a minimum. Many staff members have more extensive certification such as lifeguarding, canoe instruction, water safety instruction, wilderness first aid, etc. We have an EMT and several First Aid instructors on our staff. Each staff member submits an application, participates in an extensive interview, and undergoes a criminal background history check. References are required, and checked. Nothing is more important to us than your camper's safety!
As a certified member of the American Camp Association, Makemie Woods voluntarily adheres to over 600 standards for camping health and safety to ensure that your children receive the care and attention that they deserve. Makemie Woods is also part of the Christian Camp and Conference Association.
CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: YES campers (rising 11th and 12th graders) enjoy Makemie Woods fun and participate in group building, faith, and leadership development. Spend the first 10 days engaging in service projects and learning skills for working with children. In the last week, they'll see what's it's like to be a counselor, living and working with a younger camper group. Encouraged for campers who in the future seek to serve on the MW staff.
The DOVE program. This program (for anyone age 16 and rising from 11th grade) recruits and trains persons who are interested in serving as Volunteer Staff during the summer camp program at Makemie Woods. DOVEs are trained to specific tasks within the camp program, especially helping with campers with special needs.
Visit our website for additional application and/or call the camp office for program specifics.
CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: We offer a tiered pricing model for individual camp sessions and full scholarships for needy families that wish to send their kids to camp. Visit our website or call the camp office for these specifics.
YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Located between Williamsburg and Richmond VA, Makemie Woods offers an attractive setting for your next conference or retreat. We can serve up to 130 guests in seven winterized buildings, with flexible and functional meeting spaces, great dining, and 275 acres of hardwood forest, a reservoir, and many recreation opportunities to explore and enjoy!
Our facilities are available mid-August to mid-June to all groups without regard to race, sex, age or national origin for the following events:retreats, meetings, conferences, picnics, school trips, quilting groups, silent retreats, wilderness camping, nature study, family reunions, training events, environmental education, home school outings, scrapbooking retreats, , We offer a diverse range of programming activities which includes swimming, canoeing, archery, zip-lining and using our observatory to view stars and planets.
Visit our website for additional application and/or call the camp office for program specifics.
OTHER CAMP INFO: Makemie Woods also serves as an EcoEternity Forest site. For additional information, please consult our website or call our office.
For a complete list of our various camp sessions, dates and fees, please consult our website at the following links:
Camp Descriptions: Our Camp Website Link:
Camp Schedule: Our Camp Website Link:
At least 18 years old and one year out of high school. Serve as leaders and Christian role models to 4-7 campers per session, responsible for their welfare and guiding them through their daily routine. Salary: $220/wk
*Additional remuneration for lifeguard certification ($10/wk) and 21 or older with a clean driving record acceptable to our insurance company ($20/wk)
Cooperation Coach:
At least 18 years old and one year out of high school. Works one-on-one with campers who need additional attention to help them work through behavior issues or help them learn to contribute their group. This position is well-suited for someone studying psychology or child development, and can be used to fulfill internship requirements. Salary $230/week.
At least 18 years old and one year out of high school, Lifeguard certification required, WSI preferred. Serve as lifeguard at the pool, assist with other camp programs as assigned. Salary: $230/week
Medical Professional:
At least 21 years old, RN or EMT certification preferred, will consider someone with a BSN waiting for boards. Oversees medical care for campers and staff. Salary negotiable and dependent upon experience. Contact us for details.
Pool Manager:
At least 21 years old, Lifeguard certification required, WSI preferred. Responsible for maintaining the pool facility as well as lifeguarding, swim instruction. Salary: $240/week
Waterfront Director/Trip Manager:
At least 21 years old preferred, younger applicants (18+) can be considered. Lifeguard certification and whitewater canoeing experience required, canoe instruction certification preferred. Directs and maintains the boating program (canoes and rowboats), leads and/or packs off-site trips. Salary: $240/week
Recreation and Crafts Director:
At least 18 years old and one year out of high school. Directs daily program of crafts and recreation for campers of various ages, maintains supplies and inventory. Salary: $220/week
Digital Media:
At least 18 years old and one year out of high school. Responsible for taking daily photographs and video footage of camp, including group pictures for the week, compiling and editing footage for weekly dvd/cd's. Salary: $220/week
For all positions at Makemie Woods, room and board is valued at $180/week. Applicants with Makemie Woods Summer Staff experience receive additional remuneration. All staff will be required to have Red Cross Standard First Aid and CPR Certification prior to the start of the staff training. Travel reimbursement for persons who come from more than 65 miles away up to $75.
For more specifics about the Makemie Woods Summer Camp Program, visit our website at the link below or call our camp office!
Please visit: Our Camp Website Link:
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Makemie Woods
Visit Our Camp Piankatank Website
PO Box 435
1586 Stampers Bay Road
Hartfield, Virginia 23071
Watch Our Camp Piankatank Video
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp. Weekend Family Camps
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers. All Boy Campers. All Girl Campers.
AFFILIATION(S): Christian. Virginia Baptist Mission Board
Baptist General Association of Virginia
SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: We realize how few events there are for families affected by autism. As a result, we wanted to offer a family friendly, Christian environment for the entire family. During our Autism Family Camp, parents have time to network with other families, siblings have activities just for them, and more. Overall the whole family has a great opportunity to grow physically, spiritually, socially, and emotionally.
Wilderness/Nature, Waterfront/Aquatics, Sailing, Adventure, Horses/Equestrian, Travel, Swimming, and more.
CAMP LOCATION: We are 1 1/2 hours East of Richmond on the Piankatank River on 100 acres of wooded/waterfront property. Our location makes us ideal for land and water based activities. Currently, we have a popular sailing program and an adventurous outdoor education program. One of the highlights of our property is a 30 acre island just off of our waterfront. Some of our tracks canoe out to the island and spend a night during the week (weather permitting).
▌Read More about Camp Piankatank
CAMP FACILITIES: We have 3 large, very comfortable cabins with indoor plumbing and central heat and a/c. We also have a swimming pool, pavilion, dining hall, activity hall, boathouse,and large fields for sports.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: “Camp Piankatank Summer Camp and Retreat center seeks to be a place where children, youth, and adults can enjoy God’s creation along the Piankatank River in a Christian retreat environment that encourages physical, spiritual, social, and emotional growth..”
Our goal is to glorify God by pointing others to Him, whether that’s through our summer camp program, or through the retreats that we plan or host. Camp Piankatank is a Christian summer camp and retreat center owned by the Baptist General Association of Virginia, and located on the beautiful Piankatank River.
During the summer, Camp Piankatank becomes what it was meant to be from the beginning, a summer camp. For many years, Camp Piankatank was operated as just a summer camp. This is our passion, this is why Camp Piankatank exists, and this is why so many people love this place – they have experienced the live-changing power of Christ at Camp Piankatank, and can point to the very place at camp that they first accepted him as their Lord and Savior.
Meet the Directors
Steve and Niki Gourley have been Directors at Camp Piankatank since 2006. They both have a long history at the camp, and have a passion for camp ministry. They understand the impact that camp can and does have on a child’s life, and that’s why they continue to serve here.
CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: We offer a CIT training program for students ages 15-17. After being accepted through the application process, CIT's come for a week of training alongside our counseling staff. During the summer, they attend two weeks of camp as a CIT. Each week costs $150, which is considerably lower than a typical week of camp. However, the training week is free of charge. CIT's will learn responsibility, professionalism, how to lead a group, how to lead a Bible study, and more. For more information, please contact our camp office.
CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: We do offer financial assistance for families in need. Those interested can contact the camp for a scholarship application.
FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): In addition to our Autism Family Camp, we also offer two weekend family camps. We have a Mother/Daughter weekend and a Father/Son weekend. It's a great time for parents to get away with their kids and experience God's creation together!
YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Outside of our summer programming, we rent out our facilities to all types of user groups. We are a great location to host your church or company retreat, whether it be for a day, weekend, or week. We can offer lodging, meals, high and low ropes activities, water based activities, meeting space with a/v equipment (subject to availability) and more.
Throughout the year Camp Piankatank is available for many different kinds of retreats, and hosts events for all non-profit groups, not just Baptist groups. We offer custom quotes to fit your needs, and we can do as little or as much as you would like us to do. From simply giving your Boy Scout troop a place to pitch some tents, or helping you plan your weekend retreat (with food, lodging, activities, and even a speaker) we are available to help.
Schedule and Prices:
Week 1 – Boys Only Week: ($270 base price) June 22 – June 27,
Tracks Offered: Amazing Adventure, Reel Fish Real Fun, True North Land, Beginning/Intermediate Sailing
Mini-Week 2 - Coed Mini Camp (7-9 year olds): ($130 base price) June 28 – June 30, Amazing Adventure is offered
Week 3 – Girls Only Week: ($270 base price)July 6 – July 11,
Tracks: Amazing Adventure, Saddle Sisters, True North Water, Beginning/Intermediate Sailing
Week 4 – Coed Week: ($325 base price) July 13 – July 18,
Tracks: Amazing Adventure, True North Land, Advanced Sailing
Week 5 – Coed : ($325 base price) July 20 – July 25, Tracks: Amazing Adventure, True North Water, Beginning/Intermediate Sailing, Sailing Excursion
Week 6 – Coed Youth (13+): ($325 base price) July 27 – August 1, Tracks: Extreme Escape, Reel Fish Real Fun, True North Land, Beginning/Intermediate Sailing
Week 7 – Coed Week: ($325 base price) August 3 – August 8,
Tracks: Amazing Adventure, Reel Fish Real Fun, True North Water, Beginning/Intermediate Sailing
The base price automatically registers you for Amazing Adventure/Extreme Escape.
Extra Fees for some tracks:
True North - $60- this covers the use of the camps outdoor equipment.
Sailing – $80 extra- this covers boat use and maintenance.
Sailing Excursion- $110 extra fee, covers boat use and maintenance
Reel Fish Real Fun – $50 extra covers a professionally chartered ½ day fishing trip. Rod/Reel kits are provided for campers who do not have them. Please bring your own if possible.
Saddle Sisters- $160 extra fee, covers daily trips to the horse farm.
We are currently looking for male counselors to be Christian role models for our amazing campers. Our positions are paid and the contract dates for 2014 are June 8-August 10. We require our staff to be at least 18 years old and one year removed from high school.
If you're interested, please visit our site or contact the camp office.
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Camp Piankatank
Visit Our SOAR365 Summer Camp at Camp Baker Website
7600 Beach Road
Chesterfield, Virginia 23838
Watch Our SOAR365 Summer Camp at Camp Baker Video
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp.
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Summer is a time to break out of the usual routine and have some fun. Since 1956, we have operated an accessible summer camp for both children and adults with disabilities at our Camp Baker location in Chesterfield County. Located on 22 wooded acres, Camp Baker lets our campers enjoy a best-in-class, traditional summer camp experience, including: horseback riding, arts and crafts, swimming, fishing, paddle boating, hiking, and even outdoor tent camping.
SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: With the help of our generous donors, we continuously add improvements to Camp Baker to make it even more accessible. Current features include:
• UTV which allows wheelchair users to experience our nature trails and fishing creek
• Wheelchair-accessible firepit area with paved walkways
• Fully equipped, calming sensory room
• Assistive devices like electric hospital beds, patient lifts and more
• Swimming pool with an ADA-compliant pool lift chair
• Accessible playgrounds
• Electric entrance doors
• Dining hall menu that accommodates participants with dietary restrictions
Wilderness/Nature, Horses/Equestrian, Fine Arts/Crafts, Music/Band, Theater, Swimming, Basketball, and more. Horseback Riding, Tent Camping, Paddle Boating
CAMP LOCATION: Camp Baker is located in beautiful Chesterfield, VA - just outside of Richmond.
▌Read More about SOAR365 Summer Camp at Camp Baker
CAMP FACILITIES: Camp Baker has wonderful facilities, including a brand new building with a full basketball court and activity spaces. The grounds also include a dining hall, an overnight residence, a pool, and much more.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Supporting families’ dreams — Our campers’ families often describe Summer Camp at Camp Baker as “a lifesaver” and “a relief.” Caregivers are grateful for both the adaptive nature of this camp and the respite it provides. To help us reach more families in need, we offer financial assistance through “camperships” (scholarship funds).
Customized for comfort — Summer Camp typically runs from June to August, offering eight weeks of camp for adults and two weeks for children. Both overnight and day camp options are available so everyone can relax and enjoy what Summer Camp has to offer.
Excellence in action — SOAR365’s Summer Camp is fully accredited by the American Camp Association, which ensures that our current practices reflect the most up-to-date, research-based standards in the industry.
OTHER CAMP INFO: Accessible fun for everyone – While there are many summer camp options throughout Central Virginia, options designed for kids and adults with disabilities are hard to find. At SOAR365, we believe no one should have to miss out on all the fun that camp has to offer.
Cultural education - Our counselors come from around the world, giving our campers exposure to a broad range of cultures and backgrounds. Many are being trained in disability-related fields.
Please visit Our Camp Website Link: for details on sessions, dates & fees.
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SOAR365 Summer Camp at Camp Baker
Visit Our Wilderness Adventure at Eagle Landing Website
1-800-782-0779 540-864-6792
11176 Peaceful Valley Road
New Castle, Virginia 24127
Watch Our Wilderness Adventure at Eagle Landing Video
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. 1-, 2- and 3- week overnight sessions
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: An expedition program for youth to build confidence, leadership skills, and teamwork through adventure activities. Participants backpack, canoe, rock climb, mountain bike, zip line, and more during the days and camp out under the stars at night. Leaders are outdoor professionals in their mid-twenties. All gear is provided and no experience is necessary!
Wilderness/Nature, Adventure, Team Sports, Academics, and more. Adventure Sports Offered: Rock Climbing, Mountain Biking, Caving, Kayaking, Canoeing, Backpacking, Hiking, Camping
Specialty Trips Offered: Go With The Flow (river Trip); Mountain Biking; Rock Climbing; Rock, Roll & Flow (rock Climbing, Mountain Biking & River Trip) & Wilderness Leadership Course.
CAMP LOCATION: We are located 45 Minutes northwest of Roanoke, Virginia in the Beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains. We have a 500 Acre Base Camp that shares a property line with the Thomas Jefferson National Forest. Please visit our website for more information at Our Camp Website Link:
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CAMP FACILITIES: Our Base Camp Has 10 Campsites for our summer youth program, a pond for swimming and Kayaking, 900 foot Zipline, 50' climbing wall, high ropes course, 2 low ropes courses, a bathhouse, bike & boat shop, and a creek that runs around the property. Please visit our website for more information at Our Camp Website Link:
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Our camp offers single and multiple week excursions into the wilderness. The trips are backpacking based, so you will live out of your backpack, sleep in a tent, cook your own meals, and also get to do a lot of amazing activities like backpacking, climbing, canoeing, kayaking, zip-lining, high ropes, caving, fun games and much more. Please check out our summer program at Our Camp Website Link: We also strive to have the best staff. Our staff comes from a year-round professionally trained core group, Since we are open all year long and we do these jobs all year. Our company has also been on Outside magazines "Best Places to Work" for the last four years. Learn more about our staff and what motivates them at Our Camp Website Link:
CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: LEADERSHIP TRAINING COURSE -(7 day training + summer apprenticeship) Many of our participants come back year after year as campers, aspiring to one day join the ranks of the amazing Wilderness Adventure staff. The leadership training course provides participants ages 17 and up the chance to transition with this apprenticeship program. Participants will go through a thorough one week training where they will be evaluated on their dedication and motivation. If they are deemed ready for our apprentice program then they will have the opportunity to shadow activity instructors of their choice and even potentially co-lead a summer trip.
YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Wilderness Advenure at Eagle Landing operates a year-round camp, conference and retreat center with a focus on team building and adventure experiences. Our elegantly rustic lodges are equally suited to host weeklong field trips and/or Corporate groups. Food service and adventure experiences are available, contact us today to plan your next adventure! 540-864-6792
OTHER CAMP INFO: Wilderness Adventure at Eagle Landing designed specialty trips for our campers who were looking for the next challenge. Many of our participants had started out getting comfortable with camping on our Outdoor Discovery and worked their way up to the more challenging Classic Adventure. Our specialty trips allow participants to focus on their favorite adventure activity. These trips allow them to really focus in on learning more technique, improving their knowledge, and gaining strength and ability. All of our specialty trips are taught from a beginner level, however, if you do have prior experience, our instructors and leaders can provide special challenges just for you. With a new lower rate they are more affordable than ever. Check them out here Our Camp Website Link:
Please check out our dates, tuition, and trips on our website at Our Camp Website Link:
Accepting applications for trip leaders (18+, 21+ preferred). Please email info[AT] for more information.
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Wilderness Adventure at Eagle Landing
Visit Our Passages Adventure Camp Website
804-897-8283 x310
Belle Isle
Richmond, Virginia 23219
11421 Polo Circle Midlothian, VA 23113
Watch Our Passages Adventure Camp Video
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp. Monday to Friday 8am-5pm
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers. All Girl Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: We are beginning our 26th year as Richmond's premiere summer day camp focusing on helping young people foster lifelong outdoor skills in a fun and challenging environment. We are consistently selected as Richmond's "Favorite Day Camp."
Wilderness/Nature, Waterfront/Aquatics, Adventure, Team Sports, and more. Rock Climbing, Kayaking, Rappelling, Zip-Line, Mountain Biking, Stand Up Paddleboarding, Primitive Survival Skills, Trail Running
CAMP LOCATION: We are located on beautiful Belle Isle on the James River in downtown Richmond, VA. Please visit our website for a complete description of all of our camps, plus a video and secure on line Registration at: Our Camp Website Link:
▌Read More about Passages Adventure Camp
CAMP FACILITIES: We provide all necessary equipment including kayaks, helmets, life jackets, climbing harnesses and shoes, mountain bikes and stand up paddle boards. We also provide lunch, drinks and snacks every day. We spend all day on the James River enjoying adventure based activities supervised by our outstanding Counselors, all of whom have been Passages campers at one time.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Passages Adventure Camp's mission is to help young people foster lifelong outdoor skills in a fun and challenging environment. Our focus is to help each camper build leadership skills, develop teamwork and improve their confidence and self-esteem. We maintain a 4:1 Camper to Counselor ratio.
CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Counselor in Training Program available for returning, qualified campers in climbing, kayaking, primitive survival skills, mountain biking and paddle boarding.
OTHER CAMP INFO: Passages Adventure Camps teach boys and girls ages 8-17 the fun of outdoor adventure which includes kayaking, rock climbing, rappelling, wilderness survival, zip-lining, mountain biking and stand up paddle boarding. We’ve designed the "Rock and River Master Program" which confidently teaches campers fundamentals to advanced methods of kayaking, rock climbing and rappelling. Our "Dirt and Air Program" teaches the fundamentals of mountain biking. Our newest Trail Running camp is for middle school students who want to prepare for the Fall Season of Cross Country. For our youngest campers ages 5-7, we offer both Full and Half Day Base camps which introduces kids to adventure and fun and our very own bouncy house!
We begin June 11th and continue weekly camp programs until August 24. Please visit our website at: Our Camp Website Link: for a complete summer schedule of all of our camp offerings. You may also call Julie at 804-897-8283x310 to speak directly with our Camp Registrar. We are here to help!
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Passages Adventure Camp
Visit Our Traveling Players Ensemble Website
Christchurch Boarding School
49 Seahorse Lane
Christchurch, Virginia 23031
Day Camps & School Year Classes
Traveling Players Studio
Tysons Corner Center – DL01
1971 Chainbridge Rd
Tysons, VA
Traveling Players Studio
Tysons Corner Center – DL01
1971 Chainbridge Rd
Tysons, VA
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp. Residential Camps & Conservatories for grades 4-12; Day Camps for grades 2-5
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: “Little known summer gem for the budding actor.” –The Washington Post. Beginning, Intermediate and Advanced acting training in small, supportive groups of 13 actors. Actors receive expert acting training, professional direction, and designs (Faculty to student ratio -- 1:4). Sleepaway camps (by audition) in Virginia's Northern Neck. Day Camps (no audition-just join!), plus year-round classes and performances at our Studio in Tysons Corner Center. Selected by the National Endowment for the Arts as 1 of 25 model summer arts programs in the nation! Need-based financial aid available. Parents say: "No program has been more meaningful to my daughter!"
Wilderness/Nature, Waterfront/Aquatics, Theater, Technology, and more. Technical Theatre, Too: Scenic Painting, Costume Creation, Lights & Sound
CAMP LOCATION: Our residential programs are located at the historic Christchurch Boarding School – just 2.5 hours from DC! Christchurch Boarding School overlooks the Rappahannock River. Campers live in cozy dorm rooms and enjoy state-of-the-art facilities + private beach access.
Our Day Camp is held at our Studio in Tysons Corner Center. The mall is metro accessible on the Silver line and offers ample free parking for easy drop-off and pick-up.
Annandale, Virginia
Arlington, Virginia
Falls Church, Virginia
Fairfax, Virginia
Dulles, Virginia
Reston, Virginia
Tysons, Virginia
Washington, DC
Silver Spring, MD
Bethesda, MD
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CAMP FACILITIES: Campers live in modern cozy dorm rooms (electricity, AC, and bathrooms – flush toilets & showers!) with 2-3 close-age peers. Each floor is unique, but all include common areas — inside with big comfy couches for relaxing, memorizing lines, and hanging out with your friends.
Staff live in private rooms on each floor so that they are nearby, attentive, and available, while still allowing campers an appropriate level of privacy.
Adventure surrounds us! There’s a river, running trails, a basketball court, a volleyball court, riverside firepits for s’mores, and a meadow for stargazing!
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Traveling Players’ theatre camps & conservatories are small by design and awarded for excellence. The National Endowment for the Arts places Traveling Players in the top 25 in the nation for summer arts training.
Each cast only has 13-14 actors and 2-3 tech students, ensuring everyone receives exceptional, individualized training. The result? Real transformation, a tight & supportive ensemble, and a 70% retention rate.
Our students don’t just shine on stage, however. They shine off stage – with remarkable growth in independence, confidence, and close friendships that truly last – throughout middle and high school, and into college. That’s the Traveling Players difference. A kind, vibrant, joyful community where young artists are happy, can be themselves, and find “their people.”
Our holistic acting programs simultaneously ground kids in a connected community while expanding their understanding of the world. We give kids plenty of fresh air & exercise, complete with weekly campouts in tents & s’mores, and are completely unplugged! (We are phone free!)
“Patrick has gained incredible self-confidence, treasured friendships, and outstanding acting skills in his 4 years (and running) at Traveling Players. It’s a wonderfully supportive positive experience. The directors have an uncanny knack for knowing exactly what roles the students need for their growth and success.” – Erika, Patrick’s mother
Our auditions are first come, first decided. The sooner you audition/interview, the greater chance there is that space will still be available in the program you want. We’d love to welcome your child into our kind and vibrant community!
Founding Artistic Director Jeanne Harrison has taught for The Folger Shakespeare Library, Catholic University, University of Maryland-Baltimore County, Loyola University (MD), The Chapin School (NYC) and Interlochen Center for the Arts (MI), where she directed the Shakespeare program. Jeanne has worked in camping for 28 years, directed two other camps, is a certified Camp Director (American Camping Association), Wilderness First Responder (SOLO), and an Instructor with the American Red Cross. Jeanne has also served as a judge for the Helen Hayes Awards.
CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Traveling Players Ensemble offers need-based financial aid for all programs, with awards up to 100% of tuition, and no yearly or lifetime cap on awards. Please visit our scholarships page for more information.
YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Traveling Players offers performances, acting classes, field trips, and special events at our Studio in Tysons Corner Center during the school year.
Camps run June 22 - August 15. Please see our website for full dates and prices.
Types of Sessions:
Day Camp (no audition):
Acting Studio Day Camp (grades 2-4): 1 week
A week of theatrical fun.
Players Studio Day Camp (grades 3-5): 2 weeks
Dive into character with scenes from Greek Mythology.
Residential Camps & Conservatories (by audition only):
Mythology Ensemble (grades 4-6): 2 weeks
Perform a short play based on Greek mythology.
Thespian Ensemble (grades 6-8): 3 weeks
Perform a classic comedy.
Comedy Ensemble (grades 6-8 or 8-12): 3 weeks
Create an improvised performance, never seen before or again!
Shakespeare Ensemble (grades 8-12): 3 weeks
Perform one of Shakespeare's greatest comedies.
Shakespeare Troupe (grades 9-12): 6 weeks
Experience a professional-level 5-day performance tour while still in high school! Perform "Shakespeare in the Parks" throughout Virginia.
Technical Theatre (grades 8-12): 3 or 6 weeks
Work backstage – costumes, props & sets.
Print (or view) Camp Profile for:
Traveling Players Ensemble
Heart of Virginia Council
1723 Maidens Road
Maidens, Virginia 23102
Camp Shenandoah
Boy Scout Lane
Swoope, Virginia 24479
Goshen Scout Reservation
340 Millard Burke Mem. Hwy.
Goshen, Virginia
Camp William B. Snyder
6100 Antioch Road
Haymarket, VA, Virginia
Albright Scout Reservation
11301 Trents Bridge Rd
Chesterfield, Virginia 23838
Camp Rock Enon
292 Rock Enon Springs Road
Gore, Virginia 22637
Bayport Scout Reservation
Bay Port Road
Jamaica, Virginia 23079
Pipsico Scout Reservation
57 Pipsico Road
Spring Grove, Virginia 23881
Blue Ridge Scout Reservation
2600 Max Creek Road
Hiwassee, Virginia 24347
Camp Roland
Bastian, Virginia
Phone: 276-688-3863
For more info visit the website.
VIRGINIA WILDERNESS CAMP OWNERS & DIRECTORS: If you would like to submit your camp for listing in our 2025 Best Virginia Summer Wilderness Camps Directory, please click on the "SUBMIT YOUR CAMP" link above.
VIRGINIA WILDERNESS CAMP PARENTS & CAMPERS: If you are looking to find info on how to choose the best summer camp to attend this summer, please check out our 2025 GUIDE TO CHOOSING THE BEST SUMMER WILDERNESS CAMP for some great camp research tips and lots of important 2025 summer camp info.
In addition to our 2025 Virginia Summer Wilderness Camps Directory we have also created quite a few SPECIAL INTEREST CAMP DIRECTORIES, and have included brief descriptions of these and links to their dedicated websites on the 2025 CAMP GUIDE page.
You can go directly to any of our other 2025 Special Interest Camp Directories from the list in the black bar at the bottom of this page.
Top Ten Reasons to Attend Wilderness Camp
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