Top Wilderness Summer Camps and Summer Wilderness Programs for Kids & Teens in Utah

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Avian Adventure Summer Camps
Salt Lake City, Utah

Visit Our Avian Adventure Summer Camps Website
801-596-8500 ext. 116
589 East 1300 South
Salt Lake City, Utah 84105

CAMPER AGES: 2-13 years old

TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. Half- and full-day camps.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Join Tracy Aviary’s bird experts for an Avian Adventure during our week-long, half- and full-day summer camps for children going into Pre-K through 8th grade!

Wilderness/Nature, Adventure, Fine Arts/Crafts, Dance, Science, Academics, and more. Nature, Birds, Field Biology, Conservation

TOP UTAH WILDERNESS CAMP: Avian Adventure Summer Camps is a Top Wilderness Summer Camp located in Salt Lake City Utah offering many fun and enriching Wilderness and other camp programs.

CAMP LOCATION: Nestled within Salt Lake City's centrally located Liberty Park, Tracy Aviary is the largest and oldest public aviary in the country and has been a unique asset to residents of the Salt Lake valley since 1938. We celebrate the unique opportunity to connect our visitors with nature and the environment all through the magic of birds. For more information, please visit Our Camp Website Link:

CAMP FACILITIES: Tracy Aviary's Avian Adventure Summer Camps take place both within our indoor educational facility, as well as on our eight beautiful acres of grounds, which feature a wide variety of bird species. Our partner camps and field school camps also take campers to other educational facilities and natural areas.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Join Tracy Aviary's bird experts for an Avian Adventure during our week-long, half-day summer camps for children going into Pre-K through 8th grade. Half-day camps can be transformed into full-day adventures by enrolling in both AM and PM sessions. Each camp has a different theme, but all are packed with bird-related activities, crafts, and most importantly nose-to-beak experiences with Tracy Aviary's feathered friends, providing your child with an exciting day investigating birds and the natural world.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: A limited number of need-based scholarships are available. See Our Camp Website Link: for more information.

FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): My First Aviary Camp, designed for children ages 2-4, is an adult-and-me camp (a parent, grandparent, nanny or other guardian attends with the child). Participants can sign up for one day or the whole week. Sessions are 1.5 hours, five days in a row.

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Tracy Aviary also offers Fall Break and Spring Break Camps for children in Kindergarten through 5th grade! More information can be found at Our Camp Website Link:

More information regarding specific weeks of summer camp, as well as registration fees, can be found at Our Camp Website Link:

The Education Department at Tracy Aviary seeksĀ mature, highly motivated educators experienced with camp facilitation to join its team for summer seasonal camp facilitator positions. More information at Our Camp Website Link:

Go to The Best Utah Wilderness Camps Directory to Find More Summer Wilderness Camps Near Salt Lake City, Utah.

Utah Summer Wilderness Camps Offer Wide Range of Wilderness Programs & Summer Wilderness Activities

Be sure to check each camp listing under INSTRUCTIONAL ACTIVITIES OFFERED for the range of Special Interest Activities and Programs provided by each Utah Wilderness Summer Camp or Summer Wilderness Recreation Program.

Many Utah Day and Sleepaway Wilderness Camps offer professional level instruction in a wide-range of Wilderness Activities.

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Updated: May 24, 2018

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